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DMXzone Paginator ASP Movie

With this movie we will show you how easily you can make a table with multiple pages from a Dreamweaver recordset and a navigation Paginator for greater interface experience.

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Fifteen Reasons Why You Need Facebook

Why facebook? This article might convince you why you should join the world of social media, where new ground is being broken on a daily basis. Linda will take you on a weekly journey into tools such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more as she shows you how to apply these tools to your career as a programmer, designer and all-around Web guru. Learn how to increase your following, add to your reach and refine your techniques as you begin to learn these tools for marketing and socializing.

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A Great Browsing Experience with the DMXzone Paginator PHP

With this movie we will show you how easly you can make a table with multiple pages using the DMXzone Paginator PHP, allowing your users to scroll between records for a greater interface experience.

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Setting the Date Range Selection of the DMXzone Calendar

With this movie we will show you how to set the start and end dates of a date range selection from the DMXzone Calendar, allowing you to easily populate date fields for vacations, event durations, and etc.

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CSS: Mini Events Calendar

In this article we will learn how to style an events calendar using CSS. We will walk through the steps of creating a calendar using an HTML table, complete with all tags and attributes to ensure that this table is accessible to users of alternate devices. Having created the calendar in the mark-up we will then move on to styling it in an attractive way using the CSS tools within Dreamweaver, in such a way that we do not add unnecessary mark-up to the page.

Advertisement DMXzone Calendar

 The DMXzone Calendar extension enables you to add a great looking calendar with many different styles and effects on your sites.  Enrich any form used for events, appointments or birthdays. Use it as a date picker or inline calendar with its unique design and in flight animation options. Embed multiple calendars, select date ranges, and limit the selection to specific dates.

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Creating A Simple Calendar in PHP

In this tutorial, we look at creating calendars in PHP. In this first of 4 tutorials, we build a simple, but working calendar for display purposes, looking at the techniques involved. In the second part we'll going to build a more advanced calendar that can display events for each day and has customised styling.

Advertisement DMXzone Calendar

 The DMXzone Calendar extension enables you to add a great looking calendar with many different styles and effects on your sites.  Enrich any form used for events, appointments or birthdays. Use it as a date picker or inline calendar with its unique design and in flight animation options. Embed multiple calendars, select date ranges, and limit the selection to specific dates.

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Filter the Ajax DataGrid by a date from the DMXzone Calendar

With this movie we will show you how easily you can filter the contents of your Ajax DataGrid by date from the DMXzone Calendar.

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Make an Editable Flash Gallery with Dynamic Flash Gallery ASP

With this movie we will show you how easy it is to make a fully editable flash gallery of photos and to impress your site visitors with Flash Album Generator 2 and Dynamic Flash Gallery ASP.

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Universal Data Exporter PHP Exports Ajax DataGrid in Different Formats

With this movie we will show you how easily you can export the contents of your DMXzone Ajax Datagrid with Universal Data Exporter PHP in PDF with its exact layout.

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Creating an AJAX Loading Spinner

When we’re working on our AJAX widgets locally or on a development server it’s easy to forget that the data we are getting takes time to be requested, returned and processed. This can, in some situations, lead to unresponsive, blank or otherwise boring pages that our visitors must look at while the content is generated. In this tutorial we’re going to look at adding a lightweight loading spinner so that our visitors get visual feedback that the page is doing something while content is loaded.

We’ll be using jQuery to make AJAX requests and display the spinner in an attractive popup. We’ll just load some dummy content in a container and will need to delay the response slightly so that we get to see the spinner. We’ll be working mainly with jQuery-flavoured JavaScript, with a little HTML and CSS, as well as some basic PHP and JSON.

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Website aesthetics - what has it got to do with usability?

When you choose an apple from a pile, what do you look for? You'll find a lot of reasons are aesthetic - whether it's shiny, its colour, its shape...

How we choose what to buy is a key question that should be asked when designing an ecommerce website. While we all like to think we all make rational decisions, considering the functional nature of products, aesthetics clearly influences people and their choices.

But why are we so easily influenced by aesthetics?

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Using the DMXzone Behavior Connector 2

This is the second movie of the series, showing how to work with the NEW Behavior Connector using 3D Photo Wall.

With this movie we will show you how to control the 3D Photo Wall by web links, set text to a text field, open a new window onselecting an image, and notify the user with a popup message onselecting/deselecting an image from the 3D Photo Wall.

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