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LinkedIn Advantages

If you followed Linda's LinkedIn article last week, you now have a LinkedIn profile and you may be anxious to connect to friends and potential clients or employees. In this article, Linda shows how you can add some punch to your LinkedIn profile as you begin to search for colleagues and others who can help promote your design or programming skills.

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Capturing Pages with a Twitter Bar Part 1

Sometimes on Twitter when people post a link to some interesting content they have discovered, they don’t just post a link, they link to the content within a frame and add a special toolbar to let visitors easily retweet the link to their own followers.

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Sneak Preview of Validation Rules for the Universal Form Validator

With this movie we will talk about form validation rules for the Universal Form Validator and why they are needed.

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Connecting your Spry DataSets with DMXzone Lightbox

With this movie we will show you how easily you can connect your Spry DataSets in Dreamweaver with DMXzone Lightbox to impress your users with amazing effects.

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Combining DMXzone Lightbox and Flash Image Enhancer

With this movie we will show you how easily you can combine in Dreamweaver two of the most amazing DMXzone extensions - Flash Image Enhancer and DMXzone Lightbox, and give your users a great visual experience.

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Linking to Job-Worthy Contacts

By this time, you may have set up a Facebook and Friendfeed account and perhaps even started a group at one or the other – or both. Now you're ready to set up a LinkedIn account, where you can send prospective clients to view your resume and your professional side. In this article, Linda provides readers with a basic overview of LinkedIn, and how you can use it as a stationery and low-maintenance tool that will help your career.

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Adding Your Tweet Stream to Your Website

It's becoming increasingly fashionable to include in an area of your website, perhaps the side bar, a widget that lists your most recent tweets, as a kind of advertisement for your twitter profile. People browsing your site or blog will see this information and if they are interested in what you have to say may wish to follow you.

In this article we'll be looking at how we can easily add a tweet preview box to our site that automatically fetches your five most recent tweets when the page loads. We'll be using jQuery, of course, to help us achieve this simple but effective widget, and will also look at the excellent Yahoo Pipes service.

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DMXzone Lightbox and 3D Photo Wall

With this movie we will show you how easily you can use 3D Photo Wall Gallery within  DMXzone Lightbox.

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Product Tour with Gallery and HTML pages in DMXzone Lightbox

With this movie we will show you how easily you can create a product tour with gallery and html pages in popups, using the DMXzone Lightbox.

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Dynamic Lightbox Movie

With this movie we will show you how easily you can create a dynamic DMXzone Lightbox by using a standard Dreamweaver recordset.

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