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Creating a Cool Image Gallery that Retrieves Images from a Folder List

With this movie we will show you how easily you can create your CSS Image Gallery and have it retrieve its images from a File Genie PHP/ASP Folder List using Folder List Repeater.

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Making an Impact: Measuring Web Design Effectiveness

Everyone wants to make a great website, and as mentioned in my previous article, a good start is to ensure aesthetic design and user research are intimately related.

Why do this? Well, very few sites fall over under heavy traffic or contain broken links. They all do what they need to do, they all ‘work’, and with all these ‘working’ sites there’s a need for you to differentiate your site from the others.

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Twenty+ Communities for Designer Work

In the previous two articles, Linda talked about community-building and offered some examples of sites where you could build community. But, what if your time is stretched and you don't want to build community? What if you'd rather join a social media platform – especially to look for work? In this article, Linda provides twenty+ communities where you can find work as a designer or programmer.

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List Server Files with Folder View 2

With this movie we will show you how easily you can create a view of a real file system using Folder View 2.

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Beautifying forms with jQuery part 3

In part 3 of this series you'll add more methods to the form class that add new features to the form elements, focusing on text entry fields including standard text fields, password fields and textarea elements. Dan will show you how to add cool new usability features including password unmasking and field-clearing buttons that enhance the user experience and empower your visitors to choose which form features are implemented using the control panel that was added in part 2.

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Community-Building Web Sites

Linda talked about community and its relationship to marketing in the previous article. If you plan on building community, will you rely on social networking sites to keep that community together? Or, will you include a Web site in your community-building plans? In this article, Lindatalks about various community-building sites and how you might use them to create a “glue” to keep community active.

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Using the Folder View 2 Behavior Connector

With this movie we will show you how easily you can dynamically retrieve Folder Contents from an Adobe Dreamweaver Recordset and add a nice dynamic tooltip when clicking on the folder items using Folder View 2.

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Beautifying forms with jQuery part 2

Beautifying forms with jQuery part 2 introduction
In part 2 of this series Dan shows you how to add new methods to the beautify namespace that was created in part 1 in order to add new features to the form class. You’ll see how by adding two opposing methods to the form class you can enable or disable a single feature. Dan also shows how a simple user control panel can be created which automatically adds switches so that the visitor can enable or disable the features that they require.

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Validate for a Maximum and Minimum Number of Selected Items

With this movie we will show you how easily you can validate for maximum and minimum number of selected items in a checkbox list or multiselection list.

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Set a Validation Rule for Multiple Credit Card Numbers and Expiration Date

With this movie we will show you how easliy you can set a validation rule for multiple credit card numbers and expiration date.

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Building Community (or, the New Face of Marketing)

In previous articles, Linda illustrated how to use various social networking tools such as Facebook, Friendfeed, Twitter, LinkedIn and Posterous. While many other tools exist that can be used by the designer and/or programmer, at some point the user might consider why these tools are necessary in the first place. Building community is one answer, and the answer is deeply integrated with marketing for many people.

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Focus groups vs. usability testing - what, when and why?

User research is a crucial component of any website or product development process. It will help you to identify the needs of your users and demonstrate how your website, intranet or application can be improved. Focus groups and usability testing are two very useful but very different user research disciplines. This article will look at the difference between focus groups and usability testing, the pros and cons of each and when in the development process you should use them.

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