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How to Set up Your Page for Google Analytics

With this movie we will show you how to add a Tracking ID, create a transaction or add new item to an existing transaction on your page with Google Analytics Toolkit.

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Using Video to Enhance Your Reach

In previous articles, Linda showed you how to begin to build a base foundation for your Web site, including adding news stories and articles. In this article, she'll provide resources that point to video that you can use in your blog or Web site.

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Use Conditional Validation to create Car for Sale Form

With this movie we will show you how to show/hide div containers on your page and validate their elements using conditional validation in Universal Form Validator ASP.

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Adding Tooltip Hints and Error Messages to Your Forms

With this movie we will show you some of the tooltip hints and error messages we've recently added to Universal Form Validator ASP.

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Check user name/email with Spry AJAX

When user is registering a new account it is often important to check user name or email for uniqueness to make sure it hasn't been already registered.

In this short tutorial you will learn how to build this functionality in Dreamweaver using standard Recordset, Show Recordset is not Empty Server Behavior and Spry Server Action object from  Spry Data Utilities Toolkit

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How to Find and Use Free News and Articles in your Web Site

In the previous article, Linda talked about how to use RSS feeds for aggregated Web sites or blogs. In this article, she leads readers into using RSS, press releases and other free sources to create a Web “hub” for topical information. She provides perspectives on various news sources, links and information on how to use this material.

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Spry Search Within Multiple Search Fields

In this article Alex will explain how you can, quick and easy, use the Spry Search from the Spry Data Utilities Toolkit to perform a search within multiple search fields.

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Great Design Tooltips, Error messages and Hints in your Forms

With this movie we will show you some of the validation rules, tooltips, hints and error messages we've recently added to Universal Form Validator PHP.

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Aggregator Foundations - Links and Suggestions

Now that you've dipped your feet into social media platforms such as Twitter, Ning, Facebook and more, isn't it time you took a hint and applied some social aspects to your Web site? In the previous article, Linda talked about aggregation, and how aggregator sites have shaped current Web trends. In this article, she will pass on information about how to make aggregation work for you through suggestions and links to sites that can make this job easier.

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Upload, Resize, Watermark and Display Pictures on a Webpage

With this movie we will show you how to combine Pure PHP Upload 2, Smart Image Processor PHP 2 and File Genie PHP in order to upload, resize, watermark and display pictures on a webpage.

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Building a Better Blog Foundation with Aggregation

Over the past few weeks, Linda has provided explanations about various social networking tools and has provided a list or two of social networking platforms for designers and developers. But, what about your blog? Is it dead in the water, or should you make that blog the foundation of your social media tower? In this article, Linda discusses the answer and some ways to build a better blog for that foundation.

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Creating a Gallery with a Cool Photo Navigation

With this movie we will show you how to pan and zoom across your photos using Active Photo Viewer within a cool DMXzone Lightbox window.

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