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A Design Wiki at Work

In the previous article, Linda talked about wiki fundamentals. This week, after scouring the Web for design wikis, she became discouraged and started a wiki for designers. Want to learn more? Read on...

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Designing a Sliding Billboard

With this movie we will show you how to create a simple Billboard using DMXzone's Sliding Billboard.

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Create Fantastic Billboard slides and Open their content in a Lightbox

With this movie we will show you how to combine Sliding Billboard and DMXzone Lightbox in order to create amazing slides which open links in cool popup windows.

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A Wiki Primer

Social media is about 140 characters (Twitter), building work networks (LinkedIn), building cozy 'friend' and 'fan' relationships (Facebook) and more. But, what do you learn from all this interconnectivity? Would you like to build something more solid or participate in groundbreaking knowledge schemes? Then, learn more about wikis and what they can do for your credibility.

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Upload, Resize, Watermark and List Files in a Folder

With this movie we will show you how to upload multiple images, resize them all, put a watermark text and list the files in the upload folder.

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Upload Multiple Files and Download them as a Zip Archive

With this movie we will show you how to upload multiple files to a server and download them as a zip archive with the help of Zip Processor PHP.

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Beautifying forms with jQuery part 4

In part 4 Dan continues showing how easily new methods can be added to the form class which enhance the user experience of the form; in this you’ll see how easy it is to add contextual hints to each field of the form based on the semantic and accessible title attribute.

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What's New in Social Media

Now that you're steeped in social media, have you kept up with any changes or developments in the tools you're using to promote your design skills? In this article, Linda provides links to articles, tools and information that may help build your social media presence and help you to avoid some pitfalls.

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A Tool to Keep You Tied to Social Media

Now that you've developed a Web site foundation through a blog and have joined social media venues such as Twitter, Facebook and Friendfeed, how do you tie them all together? In this article, Linda introduces WIBIYA, a tool that will make your social networking easier as well as help build traffic to your Web site.

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Generate a Sitemap for your Website

With this movie we will show you the new interface and features included in the Google Sitemap Generator 2.0 as well as how to generate a Sitemap for you Website.

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Creating an Online Food Order Form

With this movie we will show you how to create an online food order form and set conditional rules for it with the help of Universal Form Validator PHP.

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Social Media and Copyright Issues

If you Tweet a quote from an Associated Press story, are you in copyright violation? If you use press releases to fill a Website with content, are you violating some code of ethics? In this article, Linda offers information about various copyright issues and what you can do to walk inside the line of legality in global venues like social media.

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