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Adding Visuals to Your Communications

Photo-sharing, or the process of publishing digital photos online both privately and publicly, can enhance your business and social relationships. In this article, Linda provides links and ideas for professional graphic designers and photographers who want to share their work online.

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Creating a Simple Animated Thumbnail Gallery

With this movie we will show you how to design a basic Animated Thumbnail Gallery.

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Creating a Dynamic Animated Thumbnail Gallery

With this movie we will show you how to design a dynamic Animated Thumbnail Gallery.

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Enrich Your Existing Page Content with Animated Thumbnail Gallery

With this movie we will show you how to enrich your website existing content, integrating Animated Thumbnail Gallery.

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Redefining Yourself Means That You're Growing...into what?

Linda began a new project this past week in efforts to brand herself and her career as a writer. In this article, she journals her process in developing this persona across several social media venues. Learn more about your progress in self-branding as Linda shares her problems and how she resolved them

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Sliding Billboard with added MP3 Player

With this movie we will show you how easily you can add Flash MP3 Player to your Sliding Billboard.

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Getting Into Marketing Your Business

What do you need to do, minimum, to stay on top of social media marketing for your design or development business? In this article, Linda lists free tools that can push your business to the top. The drawback? Your time for learning curves and to maintain activity.

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Custom Controls for Sliding Billboard

With this movie we will show you how you can control your Sliding Billboard using custom controls.

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A Design Wiki at Work

In the previous article, Linda talked about wiki fundamentals. This week, after scouring the Web for design wikis, she became discouraged and started a wiki for designers. Want to learn more? Read on...

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Designing a Sliding Billboard

With this movie we will show you how to create a simple Billboard using DMXzone's Sliding Billboard.

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Create Fantastic Billboard slides and Open their content in a Lightbox

With this movie we will show you how to combine Sliding Billboard and DMXzone Lightbox in order to create amazing slides which open links in cool popup windows.

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A Wiki Primer

Social media is about 140 characters (Twitter), building work networks (LinkedIn), building cozy 'friend' and 'fan' relationships (Facebook) and more. But, what do you learn from all this interconnectivity? Would you like to build something more solid or participate in groundbreaking knowledge schemes? Then, learn more about wikis and what they can do for your credibility.

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