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Beginning JavaScript: Scripting The Select Object

The Select object brings one word to mind: confusion. Beginning scripters generally look at this object and throw up their hands in despair. The select object can be very confusing because the select is made up of both the select object itself and its best friend, the option object. The two together create the drop down and multiple select lists of which we are so fond. This is generally where confusion sets in. When dealing with a select you are really dealing with two elements, not one. This can make references to the particular objects get long and confusing.

Luckily, it's not nearly as hard as it may seem. In this article I'll explain how to get at the select with a script, and we'll write a useful script that we can add to the script library.

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Building your first extension!

In this part of George's articles you will get to learn some advanced stuff about writing extensions. George will explain in detail how to make advanced user interfaces for your extensions, as well dive in the JavaScript needed to build a scrolling marquee extension. He will also explain the hidden power of the standard Macromedia libraries. Also a detailed explanation is included about the Dreamweaver configuration folder – its place and purpose. And last but not least you will find cool samples for messages for your answering machine.

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Tables to CSS: Taking CSS Further

In my last article for DMXZone I looked at how we could take a standard tables based layout and trim it down - using CSS for text styling and to create navigation button effects.

In this article we will look more deeply into CSS. We will discover how to take our tables based layout down to a very basic one-table structure - removing all the nesting that makes the pages harder to maintain and in complicated pages can cause accessibility problems, and we will look at some of things that CSS can do over and above simply replacing HTML attributes. We will also look at a way of creating a navigation menu without using a table - by styling an html list with CSS.

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ASP to ASP.NET: The lifetime of an ASP.Net page

Evil terms such as "object-oriented programming" and "modularised and reusable code" start bubbling up to the surface from programming's dank depths. But don't fear. In this article, Chris examines the mindset and code changes required to grapple with the lifetime of an ASP.NET page, Event Handling, Sessions and State, Configuration, The Application and Cache Objects, Managed providers in ADO.NET, and Disconnected Adapters, Views and Tables. And we guarantee that you'll still be sane by the end. Read More

Setting Dreamweaver Preferences for Forward Compatibility

Dreamweaver can't do everything for you - but takes care of much of the leg-work in moving to XHTML. Here's a definitive list of the options you can set to make your code future-proof. Once you have decided that you'd rather produce pages that will be forward compatible, rather than code like it's 1998, you can just set your preferences and GO! Read More

Advanced search

This tutorial covers creating an advanced search form.  In building the form up from one where the criteria covers a single field in the database to one where we can search for specific values within any or all of the fields in our database, we'll cover creating recordsets, adding parameters to them and modifying the recordset behavior code in Code View to provide both AND and OR queries to our recordset.

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Scripting Radio Buttons without tears

Scripting Radio buttons is one of the tasks that can easily have you weeping into your mouse-mat or hurling your computer through the window. Part 4 of the Real-world JavaScript series, this stand-alone tutorial can save you a fortune in glazier bills and replacement mats by showing you how to save your sanity and write scripts that are usable to your site’s visitors. Read More

PHP Classes: Inheritance and Serialize

In this article, we look at the concept of inheritance, and see how you can create a class which extends another class. This is an excellent way of making your code more readable, more modular, easier to debug and quicker to develop.

We then look at how the data from a class can easily be stored, so an exact copy of the class complete with all its data can be reconstructed at a later date. Read More

ASP to ASP.NET: The mindset change

Chris Ullman has vast experience of ASP and ASP.NET and is equally at home using either technology. In this series of articles, he explores not only the coding differences involved in migrating from ASP to ASP.NET, but the changes in mindset necessary to take maximum advantage from the new technology Read More

Idea to Implementation: Wireframing and Prototyping

In this article following a professional web designer through from idea to implementation, Matt Machell shows how to produce a Wireframe and a prototype of the Site before firing up Dreamweaver. Extra time spent now, doodling the site on the back of an envelope, transferring into Fireworks, then greeking the prototype ensures the design is consistent, gets customer approval before the Site-build and saves considerable time later on. Read More

MySQL Search

In this article we're going to be taking a look at how we can create a form to search for and filter records in our database. We'll cover what you need to know from populating a dropdown box with data from your database to filtering out just the info that you need. We'll look at some more advanced SQL and how we can let the user page through the results. Read More

Real-world JavaScript: Scripting Checkboxes

What is a checkbox really used for, and how can you change it with a JavaScript? Is it even possible? It certainly is, and in this article you'll find out how to manipulate checkboxes in a form using the mysterious "type" property. Create a toggle switch and turn on and off mass checkboxes with a flick of the wrist! Amazing! Tom continues showing you how to make fully-functional forms, and shows how to make sure that they are Accessible under 508 and disability discrimination legislation - and it's all easier than you think!

This self-contained article will contain the first of many JavaScripts that will be part of a library of scripts you can keep free of charge for your own use.

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