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Working with Files in PHP

In this tutorial, we look at using files in PHP. In the first part of this article, we are going to look at how to get a directory listing of all the files and directories at a specified path on your web server.

We then move on to looking at how to write text files on the server, in csv format so they can easily be used in the many applications that can read csv (Comma Seperated Value) files, and how to dump the contents of a Dreamweaver MX recordset to a csv file.

Next we look at reading back existing csv files, and storing the data in an array so that it's easy to work with it. Finally we close the article by looking at some other file related commands, such as using unlink() to delete a file.

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Adding Dynamic Data (PHP/My SQL) to your site

In this standalone tutorial, Matt supplies the CSS and layout that he built in previous articles, and shows you how to add database connectivity using My SQL and PHP - ideal for beginners to dynamic databases and server-side functionality. Read More

Shiny New MySQL - Current and forthcoming

MySQL version 4.0 has been suitable for production use since March 2003.  The previous version is no longer under development. In today's article we will be looking at the shiny new features that you have to play with in version 4.0. Allan doesn't just give you a big list of the changes with no explanation; he explains why the major changes will make your job easier, make you richer and more popular with members of the opposite sex.

Then Allan examines the proposed changes in MySQL 4.1 and 5.0

This article explains

  • why MySQL 4 is an 'ACID' database
  •  FULLTEXT searches
  • SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS and FOUND_ROWS() functions
  • Sub-queries
  • The UNION statement
  • how MySQL becomes faster
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Scripting the Select and Option Array: Real-world JavaScript

More on how to manipulate the OPTION array within the SELECT object, abstracting functions, good coding practices, usability and the TABINDEX. Tom walks you through defining a function that 'moves' bookmarks up or down in a user-defined list using JavaScript, and then abstracts the function so that it acts like a black box for you and other users, even doing its own error checking.

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Page layout with CSS - Layers and CSS Positioning

In this article we will look at simple CSS positioning techniques, using absolute positioning and float to create a simple layout. We will take as a starting point the "Layer" functionality in Dreamweaver MX but move on to look at CSS positioning in an external style sheet, using a combination of the tools within Dreamweaver and handcoding to explore CSS layout techniques.

This article is suitable for those who have done some CSS within Dreamweaver or by hand for styling text and who want to explore CSS for layout, or who have used "Layers" in the past and would like to learn how to convert these into CSS in an external style sheet and still be able to work in Dreamweaver. Read More

The Right Index for the right Job

Along with database design, Indexes are the backbone of optimal database performance. It requires specialist knowledge to ensure that you have the right indexes for the right job and this article will provide you with enough knowledge to make the right choices - and to know when to use an index and when not.

We will also take a look at the different types of indexes that exist (clustered, non-clustered, covering indexes and indexing views), what each does and any restrictions on the use of that index.

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Better Living through Pleasantry: A Dreamweaver user's guide to effective technical communication

Many of those Web professionals coming into prominence today learned their skills through visual editors like Dreamweaver. Many of the 'older hands' in the Web team will not have used Dreamweaver.

So what's the problem? The Same word can mean one thing for DW users and something totally different for those without the DW background.

This article looks at the confusion that can arise, and points out some common differences between the Dreamweaver terms and the W3C terms which will make communication in a project team smoother - and therefore, more productive.

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Preventing SQL Injection Hacks

How can you guard against hacks if you host with an ISP? What are the most common hacks? What is SQL Injection - and why is it even more damaging if you use SQL Server? How can you avoid paying $99 for the Macromedia PHP User Authentification Behavior, yet get the same level of security?

Allan points out that, even if you're not running a huge e-commerce site, there are still hackers who will simply hack into your site, deface it, and leave their mark, like a dog that needs to get neutered. By deliberately building a bad PHP log-in script, deconstructing it, then repairing it, this article shows you how to neuter the dog and protect your work. Read More

Scripting the Select: Moving Things Around

Tom shows you how to script the select box using a real-world example of a site that allows a user to keep track of his or her own bookmarks. They will need to be able to add or remove entries, as well as edit them, move them up and down in a list to change the order, and view the list either by URL or by the description. The code is provided for practice or use in your own pages. Read More

Creating a Custom Database Class

The DMX Server Behaviors make it easy for new users to connect to a database and perform various operations, without them having to know how to create the code themselves. However, they are general purpose as they have to work in a range of different situations. The code created is complex, inefficient, and makes it extremely difficult to perform a range of different database operations on a single page.

In this 11 page article, Gareth shows you how to create a custom Database class, which makes it easy to perform Database Operations from your own code, and which can be used to replace the Dreamweaver MX Server Behaviors. Read More

Building and Validating the Front End

Matt takes the prototype Artist's showcase site that he mocked up in Fireworks, and uses it as a template for his CSS, then builds the front-end showing step-by-step how to ensure Accessibility - and how to cater for Netscape 4 if you need to. He shows how to force IE6 into Standards Mode and how to Page: 1 prevent the Internet Explorer CSS flash bug.

Finally, he demonstrates how to validate your work.

This is a great article for visual designers looking to get up to speed with the hows and whys of building future-proof mark-up based on a visual template.

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MySQL Security

Most people think about security as an afterthought - or not at all. Allan shows how to configure your MySQL database so that the hackers move on to softer targets - like those used by developers who don't read this article.

Allans tells you why, and shows you how to
1. Change the root password
2. Remove the anonymous users
3. Remove anonymous access to the test database
4. Disable TCP connections
5. Create secure users that only have rights within single databases Read More
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