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PHP advanced text functions: These are a few of my favourite strings

In this tutorial we look at the things that PHP can do with string variables, investigating how we can search for bits of a string, grab specific pieces out of a string and how we can split a string up into smaller bits - vital functionality if you are coding a function to manually parse a CVS file, for example.

This article is suitable for beginners to intermediate level Dreamweaver MX PHP users, but we work with some PHP functions that aren't exposed through the Dreamweaver MX environment and so will be hand coding most of the examples.

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Real-world JavaScript: Control Structures

Critical to your success as a good JavaScript programmer will be your understanding of control structures and how best to use them. In my past articles I have use IF and FOR control structures, and while I have explained them in brief, they really need a closer look.

In addition to those already mentioned, we have the IF.ELSE, the SWITCH, and even something called a TERNARY. Knowing what you have available to you and when to use it will allow you to write good effective scripts. And that's the name of the game.

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Dreamweaver MX and PHP Recordsets explained

In this tutorial, we delve under the covers of Dreamweaver MX, and look at how the PHP Recordsets actually work.

Many times in the Macromedia Dreamweaver MX forums there are questions on how to connect to a MySQL database, and how to work with Recordsets, so we're going to look at them in depth and explain how to use values from a recordset in your own code.

Knowing how the Dreamweaver MX generated code works is the first step to hand coding, and allows you to break down the constraints imposed by the Server Behaviors, and create more complex functionality for your websites.

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Using Stored Procedures and Commands in DWMX

This tutorial builds up a click-through tracking application that you can use to measure the number of clicks on any given link in your site, even external links. It demonstrates how to use SQL Server stored procedures and commands from Dreamweaver, in conjunction with an interactive demo. All the application code is free for download and re-use in your own pages.

This tutorial is suitable for beginner to intermediate level, and requires SQL Server installed on your machine (free evaluation edition available from and/or your webhosting provider.

Now with interactive Flash movies showing you step by step how to create the application in DreamweaverMX!

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Making a site admin page in PHP

Many budding pro web designers don't consider the client after-care that seperates the professionals from the wannabes. Allowing a client to administer the site themselves, without having to call you up and wait for amends, might seem like a way to deny yourself money -  but it gains you the all-important goodwill that you need in this competitive industry.

Using Dreamweaver and PHP, Matt shows you how you to make an admin site so that your clients can add, delete or amend content by themselves, without having to edit the HTML themselves or call you up to make minor site amends. This tutorial is suitable for intermediate level DW PHP developers (or beginners who read his last article)

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Working with Text in PHP

In today's article we continue with our gentle introduction to the underlying code in your Dreamweaver MX crafted PHP pages. This time we'll be looking at how you can use PHP to format text variables and text returned from your database queries. We'll see what the PHP functions are, how they are used and how to implement them in both raw PHP code as well as through the Dreamweaver IDE. Read More

JavaScripting usable forms

Some of the best uses for JavaScript is functionality that aids the user when using your website or application.  On ecommerce sites, this is particularly important since one wrong move can send your customer running for the competition. In this weeks article, Tom shows you how to save the user keystrokes and time by allowing them to copy all that “personal information” they just filled out in a long form into the “billing information” part of a shopping cart with one simple click of the mouse!

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CSS and Old Browsers

In this article I am going to look at one of the main reasons why designers are concerned about moving to more advanced usage of CSS - everybody's favorite web browser, Netscape 4. By using a simple technique (no JavaScript or server side scripting required) we can provide Netscape 4 with CSS it is able to deal with and still use CSS extensively for our main audience of up to date browser users.

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ASP.NET Web Services and Dreamweaver

In this article Chris Ullman explains the significance of ASP.NET web services and demonstrates how they can be used together with Dreamweaver, when he builds a fully functioning web service in VB.NET and uses an ASP.NET page to consume the output generated from the web service. Read More

CSS Design with DreamweaverMX: Borders, Backgrounds, Blocks and Boxes

In the first part of a two part foundation tutorial for CSS with Dreamweaver MX, Molly walks you through the process of how you can use Dreamweaver to style many aspects of your designs such as borders, backgrounds, blocks and boxes. Read More

PHP Language Constructs

In this article for PHP beginners, Allan takes you through the language’s control structures and constructs. These are the building blocks of a scripting language and allow it to make ‘decisions’ or repeat irms of code, unlike HTML which just renders top to bottom. After reading this, and attaching the supplied cheat sheet to your computer monitor, you’ll have the fundamental building blocks of the language at your command.

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Scripting the Select: Deleting from the Bookmark

In this final part of Tom's tutorials on JavaScripting the Select, Tom walks you though the black arts of looping backwards through an array and deleting an option, using the example of deleting an option from a list as a guide.

As usual, Tom takes care to explain the Usability implications of the JavaScript so that you can be sure you're learning to make genuinely useful sites that your customers will return to again and again.

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