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Javascript: email address and password validation

Our goal is to prepare a validation library that is reusable and extensible. We don't want to have to change the validation function every time we start a new project, nor do we want to have to write everything over again. We want a framework for our validation that is easy to use.

Previously we developed a function (Validate()) that iterates through the form from which it is called. This function looks for a validation identifier which we attach to any form element.

in this tutorial (which can be used as a stand alone tutorial as well as part of the series) we examine validating an email address format and a password format

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Creating an Accessible Layout

If you are in the position of starting work on a new web site, and you wish to ensure that the site is accessible to all users and devices then you should consider accessibility right from the planning stage. If considering accessibility is just another part of your working processes - like ensuring the site looks good on all screen resolutions and optimizing graphics for fast download speeds - then you will soon find that it adds very little time onto development time for a web site and these techniques will become second nature to you anyway.

In this article, Rachel shows how to combine a logical ("semantic") document structure, in combination with cutting-edge CSS styling and design, goes a long way to making an accessible web site that's integrated into your workflow and processes.

This article uses DMX 2004, but is completely backwards compatible with MX, and is suitable for complete beginners.

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ASP.NET Forms Authentication

ASP.NET has powerful server-side user authentication built into it that automatically encrypts authentication cookies and information and can be used to allow users or throw them out of a system accoding to security levels set by the site owner.

Documentation about these features is sparse and complex. Chris Ullman walks you through the ASP.NET authentication procedures, explaining how to customise it to your own requirements.

This tutorial is suitable for intermediate ASP.NET developers.

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CSS Design: The Ubiquitous Three Column Layout

Remove all the frustration that table-based column layouts cause such as deep nests and the need to use spacer GIFs. You'll reduce page weight, increase portability, improve accessibility, and maximize your workflow by using this pure 3 column CSS layout design. Along the way, you'll learn a bit about descendant selectors, you'll order DIVs to make the document more readable in those browsers with partial or no CSS support, and tap into list styles to create an elegant navigation scheme.

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Flash MX 2004 Forms

With the release of Flash MX 2004 there are a large number of additional UI (user interface) components available. Not only are there more components available, but they can now easily interact with one another.

In today's tutorial we will start by taking a look at the new components that are available and how to use them. Most of the new form components are available in Flash MX 2004 Professional only, and you will therefore need to have access to the trial version of Flash MX 2004 Professional to try out the examples.

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Photoshop Colour Management

Take a stroll into the local TV sales department store and have a look at a row of identical TVs. Usually you'll find that the picture they're displaying (even when tuned to the same channel) looks slightly different. Each seems to have its own colour cast. So which one is displaying the correct image? We have this same quandary on the web.

No two computer monitors are identical. Well they might look that way on the outside, but switch them on and you'll see that they simply don't display colour the same way. Why is this? Well each monitor is manufactured slightly differently. This poses a bit of a problem: If Joe Bloggs's monitor has a slightly bluish tinge and yours doesn't, then when you design an image for the web, whatever you do will look slightly blue on his monitor. Tough for Joe? Well not necessarily. Photoshop has a built in system for overcoming this problem, it's called Colour Management. In this article we're going to work out how to use Colour Management to ensure that the images that we use are displayed the same way on everyone's screen.

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Validating Forms: A JavaScript Validation Class

We build a main validation function that automatically runs the right "sub" function for each field. We'll tell the main function which sub function to run by including the sub function name in the element ID and extracting it. This makes an abstract function that can be placed in any file. Then what you actually put in the tags determines the validation.

You won't have to necessarily edit the main function all the time, which is the part that can become really tedious and error-prone, and can be reused again and again.

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File Uploading with PHP

In this article we look at how to upload files using PHP. This technique can be extremely useful, and is used on many sites for example, in content management systems or forums which allow the user to upload an image to represent them.

In this standalone tutorial, we start by looking at how to create the HTML form required to upload files. We then look at how to upload a single file, and then expand the code to allow multiple files to be uploaded. Finally we look at some useful file handling commands, and how to read the dimensions from an image file.

This is suitable for MX and MX 2004 users, from beginners upwards.

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Dreamweaver MX 2004 PHP Server Behaviors

In today's tutorial we will be taking a look at creating a log in system using PHP Server Behaviors. Our system will provide an admin area for creating/editing and deleting users from the system, as well as the log in system itself. We'll be working with the newly released Dreamweaver MX 2004 for this article, as this will give us the opportunity to work with the new user authentication Server Behaviors that have been introduced with MX 2004.

After reading this tutorial, you'll be able to:

1. Create a table of users who could log into the site, along with their respective user access levels 2. Create a login page that authenticated users against that database table using the Log In User server behavior 3. Use the Restrict Access To Page server behavior, along with some of our own code to redirect authenticated users to the correct areas of our site 4. Use the Restrict Access To Page server behavior with defined access levels to make sure that only Admin users could access the admin section of the site 5. Use the Master-Detail Page Set application object to create a structure for the admin pages.

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Building a JavaScript Object

At the start of a new series on JavaScript client-side validation, we look at Javacript objects. Why Objects? Power. Why confuse the issue with lots of babble? The reason you want to take an object based approach is the power it offers. We've had some requests for some form validation techniques. Some of the best techniques are based on object-oriented principles. So before we tackle that, let's take a look why JavaScript objects are powerful, and how to implement them.

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The ASP.NET Cache Object

In "classic" ASP many developers used the Application object as a cache. They stuck everything from single variables to the whole files in there, and when they updated the information, they then forced a refresh of the entire Web application to update the Application object. Not only was this like a using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, it was a memory intensive way of doing thing and the more junk that was accumulated in the application object, the more sluggish your web server would become.

The Cache object is a large feature addition to ASP.NET and seems to have been hidden away in the documentation. Despite initially appearing daunting, there's no reason why anyone can't use it. This is a tutorial on how to add and remove items from the Cache object both implicitly and explicitly, using the dependencies or timestamp expiration policies which mean that you can force the contents of the cache to be expired and then reload them if either a specific date/time is reached, the timestamp on a file changes, or if an item inside the cache itself changes.

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Introduction to Accessibility in Dreamweaver MX

Accessibility has become an important topic for web designers and developers. In this tutorial, we don't look at the why's and wherefore's of accessibility (check out the free Accessibility FAQ for that ). This is a practical tutorial in which we explore how to use the built-in functionality in Dreamweaver to make existing sites or new development more accessible, without needing to add hours onto development time.
Most of us have never experienced being unable to use a mouse, or having to rely on a screen reader to get information from web sites, and so it is easy to not have accessibility at the front of our minds when working on a site. By switching on the accessibility preferences in Dreamweaver, we have a reminder of the attributes that we can add to make using our site easier for all of our users - without degrading the experience for those using a regular browser who will probably never know that these attributes even exist on the site.
This article stands alone, but is the first in a series that I will be writing for DMXZone, focused on different aspects of accessibility - in a way that is useful for Dreamweaver users. My next article will look at navigation and page layout - thinking about accessibility right at the beginning of designing a new web site. Read More
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