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  • Are you searching for an extension that can do it for you? Can't find it anywhere?
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Day number of the year

I'm looking for a date/time field format that would convert a current date to what numbered day it is in that year.  This value should be 3 digits always.

e.g. January 1, 2003 date field would return a formatted value of 001, April 14, 2003 =104 or December 31, 2003 =365.

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DMX Extention for Press/News Section

Before implementing a DMX Addin that could help designers to use DataBase Content Presentation, during creating web pages, I believe that I should ask if there is already something ready (even something not free) of this kind.

General Requirements:

  • Predefined Database structure, consisting of Categories & Articles Tables.
  • Existing Administators Pages for Addnew, Delete, Update DB Records.
  • Special Toolbar for DMX, that will be able to add in a web page with drag n drop predefined data listing (eg. only titles, titles and preview, etc).
  • Automated creation of Database Shcema and Admin Pages, when publishing a site containing an object of the above toolbar.

General Idea:

  • A designer using DMX, with no knowledge at all of scripting or database, should be able to create a small site, with an admin application for keeping up to date the News/Press Section of the site.

If anything like the above description already exists, I would be obliged if you let me know.

Thank you in advance, Athanasios


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ASP.NET (VB) Move to Random Record

I am looking for an extenion (like the ASP extension on this site) that gets a random record in

Thanks for any help.

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Check New Username on Update Record

I'm looking for an extension that performs the "Check New Username" on Update Record, while mantaining the original QueryString (there's a similar extension called Check New Elements by FelixOne - -, but it loses the original filter-QueryString after the first check)

A typical situation would be this:

  • I have a list of Categories
  • I add "Category1" to DB
  • I add "Category2" to DB
  • I wanna change the name for "Category1", but I wanna be sure that I can't change it with an existing name (i.e. I can't use "Category2" name): then I use Update Record server behavior
  • Trying to Update the name, if the new provided name is yet existing, I'd like to be redirected to the same Update page, mantaining the Querystring "ID" - for filtering the recordset again - and adding the Querystring "requsername" - to display a warning on the page - as on the classic Check New Elements behavior


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Use XML as datasource

I've seen extensions where you can use filesystem objects as datasources, but has anyone got or does anyone know of a link to a page where you can use XML files as datasources instead of SQL server or Access (God how I hate that word)?

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