Request an Extension

  • Are you sweating over a piece of code, frying your brain and are thinking there should be an easier way to do this?
  • Are you searching for an extension that can do it for you? Can't find it anywhere?
  • Request your extension here by choosing the right category first and then clicking on the ADD NEW button (after logging in).
  • Our team from high qualified extension builders has this amazing ability to turn an idea into reality!

Explore the Request an Extension


Trim Photos Before Upload

It would be very nice to have an add-on to the Smart Image Processor that would trim photos on the client side before uploading.  This would greatly increase the speed of upload.

Now you upload the entire file and then trim/resize on the server size.  Not very efficient.  I would be excited about a client side resize extension.


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ASP RSS Reader for DWmx - They did it!!


They have done it!
InterAkt came up with the rss reader estension for many server tech!
So I am assuming that my original request below is a closed request!!


See for yourself @:

It would be nice to have the same extension (that came from Andres Cayon), but written for ASP, ( a server behaviors lets you create connections to RSS channels and add data from them to your documents without writing a single line of code.)

See the php version on DMXZONE: PHP RSS READER FOR DW MX





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Client Side

Loading Bar for Dreamweaver MX 2004

I need an extension which would help me show a "loading page" message (like flash pages) till the page has been loaded fully.

The extension should be pure javascript/html/dhtml with no components/dll/flash components to be used.

Kindly help.


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currency formatter


I need to format a text box with currency formatting, at the moment it displays 3.8 but I would like it to display £3.80

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PHP Access Conection

I have spent the last coupl eof days trying to get php to talk to MS Access through dreamweaver MX, after searching acros the length and breadth of the internet I eventually found a bit of code that helped me get started.

I would love to see an extention to create the connection to MS Access

To enable me to use the record set functions

Good Luck

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