Request an Extension

  • Are you sweating over a piece of code, frying your brain and are thinking there should be an easier way to do this?
  • Are you searching for an extension that can do it for you? Can't find it anywhere?
  • Request your extension here by choosing the right category first and then clicking on the ADD NEW button (after logging in).
  • Our team from high qualified extension builders has this amazing ability to turn an idea into reality!

Explore the Request an Extension


Link inside the page

hi, I'm new to webdisign and I want to insert a link to a place in inside my web.

I want it to scroll down automatically,not to open another page.


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"Members Only"Extension

Help ! Anyone out there...!!

I have created a family website which I want to restrict to family members only so that one would have to first register the username and password and then log in before one could enter the main website.

Is there an extension that can automatically produce the Registration Page, Auto Reply page after registration and automatic e-mail response to confirm registration, and, then a LogIn page which would allow the member to enter the site.



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Shopping cart

Please can searching for an extension or can some1 help on how to add an item to a chart, thanks


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Upload file to database

An extension beside the alreadu great ASP upload one that enables upload of files to the database and no need to save them in a folder on the server.

This would be just great thinking clustered SQL servers and data integrity you don't need to copy folders between servers etc.

I could pay 500$ for this!

Of course it must be an extension for DW...

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Need extension to check for email (like Check for Username)

Hello all.  I'm looking for a dreamweaver extension that will check my database to see if the email address the user is registering already exisits.  If so, he/she will be redirected to a page of my choosing.  Something similar to the "check for username" server behavior, and one that will work with the PHP/MySQL model.


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