Request an Extension

  • Are you sweating over a piece of code, frying your brain and are thinking there should be an easier way to do this?
  • Are you searching for an extension that can do it for you? Can't find it anywhere?
  • Request your extension here by choosing the right category first and then clicking on the ADD NEW button (after logging in).
  • Our team from high qualified extension builders has this amazing ability to turn an idea into reality!

Explore the Request an Extension


print recordset report

I would like to print a multipage report determined by a recordset, with a specific page format. One record per page. Read More

search engine for site and database

I would love to have an extension that allows me to set up a search engine for my site that will search my html and dynamic pages as well as my database archives. Read More

360 panoramic viewer

I love Active Photo Viewer and us it a lot. But wouldnt it be great if you created an 360 panoramic view so all of us panoramic photographer could use this as easy as the Active Photo Viewer through Dreamweaver? Read More

hit counter using jsp

I want to make a hit counter using jsp and store data in oracle . anybody plz help as i m new to jsp and java technology....plllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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website appears updated on other computers but not mine???

im building a site in dreamweaver as a local site, and using the ftp wizard to upload to the internet, i can see the files going onto the host folder no problem, and have double checked this with an independent file checker (ie cyberduck etc) the pages are definately going on the net, i have even rung my friends in other parts of the uk who tell me every thing is instantly updating when i make changes on the phone. so i know everythings working. HOWEVER my computer DOESNT show the updates when you go on the internet. I even....... Read More
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