Request an Extension

  • Are you sweating over a piece of code, frying your brain and are thinking there should be an easier way to do this?
  • Are you searching for an extension that can do it for you? Can't find it anywhere?
  • Request your extension here by choosing the right category first and then clicking on the ADD NEW button (after logging in).
  • Our team from high qualified extension builders has this amazing ability to turn an idea into reality!

Explore the Request an Extension


Sliding repeat region layer from recordset

Instead of showing a dynamic database-driven line of thumbnail products using a horizontal repeat region (within a table with x number of columns) and previous and next paging, it would nice to use something a bit more modern like the 2 lines of thumbnails at BBC iPlayer.

Javascript tends to throw up browser issues, so I tend to stick with DMW's own Javascript (rollover etc) and stick with ASP/VBScript.


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Download PDFs from Jump Menus

I'm looking for a way to automatically download PDF documents from a Dreamweaver jump menu without opening another window in the inerim.

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Membership scripting

need a simple to use and install membership software that can also charge and bill clients for memership.  ie would be has one but is difficult to install and set up

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Power point to flash

I want to convert a MS Power Point Presentation to a flash format., so that I can upload onto my web site.

Is there such a programme??

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zip uploaded files

This would make a good extension

zip unzip etc

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