Request an Extension

  • Are you sweating over a piece of code, frying your brain and are thinking there should be an easier way to do this?
  • Are you searching for an extension that can do it for you? Can't find it anywhere?
  • Request your extension here by choosing the right category first and then clicking on the ADD NEW button (after logging in).
  • Our team from high qualified extension builders has this amazing ability to turn an idea into reality!

Explore the Request an Extension

Client Side

Simple CAPCHA?

I've tried so many supposedly SIMPLE capcha systems ... but SIMPLE they are NOT!!!!!!

Surely there must be a way to add a Capcha system with validation without being a code wizard!

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Jquery / mootools style slider

They are everywhere... yes sliding panels!

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Forms Validation

Automatically updating a listbox

Need an extension to automatically update one listbox after selecting value from another listbox

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DMX Extensions Improvements

Thumbnail Gallery with Pan and Zoom on large Image

I would like a thumbnail gallery where the large image (displayed by clicking on a thumbnail) appears with pan and zoom capabilities.

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DMX Extensions Improvements

Flv flash video upload and embed in content

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