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Meetings in Outlook

Can someone once and for all clear the confusion on how to get meeting requests (sometime called vCalendar) from a CF page show up in MS outlook?  I've seen a few suggestions on how to do this but no one can seem to make them work.

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Newsletter system

Could someone write a thorough Premium Content article on a newsletter sending system using PHP. Read More

Change past due item color in task list..

I'm probably overthinking this.  I've made an online task list for a client where he can enter items for his staff to do and assign a due date.

I would like for the due date to change to red when the item becomes past due.  I'm sure it's a simple if then statement reading the date off the users computer or the server time but I can't get my brain around it.  I'm using style sheets as well...



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Update 1 Table with up to 50 records at a time

Here is the layout: Property management database, where a single property may have up to 50 different and unique amenities. I would like the ability for the end user to first, create the main property details. Second, add the various amenties on one page with a dynamic table, using checkboxes to add that amenity.

Database Structure:
1st Table: TBLproperty (propID, prop(many other fields with address etc)
2nd table: TBLamenities (amenID, amendetails) only two fields
3rd Table: Join table between the above two. amenLIST (propID, amenID)

The form process to add a new property is multi-stepped. Formpage1.asp - Add the Main property details such as name, address, phone etc. Upon submit, get last recordID from database, and go to Formpage2.asp. Formpage2.asp retrieves the new record from the TBLproperty table, and sets the propID value to a hidden form element. TBLamenities is queried, and using a form checkbox tied to the value of "amenID", a repeat region is created on the table and a submit button placed at the bottom.

This is where my plan comes to a screeching halt!! Can anyone provide a good tutorial location, where I can figure this out?

Thanks in advance...

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DMXzone Recordset paging

I'd like to how you make the recordset paging look like this:

1-5 | 5-10 etc etc

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