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Automatically deleting records from a database based on the date

Im looking for a tutorial that would do the following:

I have a site that displays events from an access database, ordered by the date of the event.

I want it to automatically delete the event or perhaps put them in a backup table or something, once the event date has passed so that only events that the user could actually attend still show up on the site.

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How do I insert and retreive image to MySQL database?

I've been researching on how to insert and retreive large binary object from MySQL database, but I found none. Can anyone please give me a sample how to insert image to MySQL and retreiving it.


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Email message and attachment from client using CDO

Hi All

I have built a little web app that takes info from a web user and on submit emails the info to us and a comfirmation sent back to the client using our own mail server (exchange) using cdo, that works fine.

Now the boss wants the client the ability to send an attachment with the email. Not really sure best way to go as you would have to send the file to our server first then attach and send in one operation.

Can anybody help with an example?


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Update and Delete Record


Can anyone help me.  I am in the middle of building a content management system in dreamweaver mx2004 using the php and mysql technology.  my problem is when I select an article from a list I have created to edit, it always loads the first item in my database and not the actual record I want to edit.

could someone please help me sort out this problem as I am becoming more and more frustrated the harder I try.



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How do I search a MySQL DB and display the results using DWMX

I want to have a simple HTML page with the "search" area and if I type in a name, I want to display all records with that name, there could be multiple answers.

I would like to see a tutorial with screen shots on how to set-up this search page that will query a MySQL database and display the results. I would like to have this tutorial show how to display "all" results as well as the option of displaying "5" or what ever number per page and then click "next" to see the next page of results and "previous" to see the previous page.

I know that Gareth Downes-Powell did a recent tutorial on PHP Recordset Paging, but his tutorial is "hand coded". I would like to see how it is done using DWMX



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