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Client Side

Autonumber Format

I have a database table with "ID" autonumber formatted to "AB"0001. It incremented automatically to AB0002 and so on.It works properly in Ms Access table. But when I wanted get the ID recordset to asp page it shows only 1, 2 and so on not the same format as i mentioned before.

Any solution

Best wishes


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Client Side

Developing eLearning Solutions

A look at some of the ways to enter the eLearning market. Read More
Client Side

date error

The value "#DateFormat(CTDate)#" could not be converted to a date.

Why it happen when submit form?

Ok, this is my form

<FORM action="action.cfm" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="CTDate" value="#DateFormat(now(), 'mm/dd/yyyy')#">
     <input type="text" name="Name" value=""> - First Name<BR>
     <input type="text" name="Occupation" value=""> - Occupation<BR>
     <input type="text" name="Email" value=""> - Email<BR>
     <textarea name="Comments" rows="7" cols="40"></textarea><BR>
     <font size="1" face="verdana">Additional Message</font>
     <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">

and this is my action.cfm

           <TITLE>Thank you #Name# for your submission!</TITLE>


    <!--- First let's insert this data into our database for safe keeping and later usage. --->
     <CFINSERT datasource="myDSN" tablename="tblWebUser" formfields="Name, Occupation, Email, Comments, CTDate">

     <!--- Now let's send a copy of this submission by email to ourselves --->
     <CFMAIL from="#form.Email#" to="myemail" subject="Submission from website!" server="xxx.x.x.x" port="25">
      There has been a form submission on your site, here's what they had to say:

      Sender name: #form.Name#
      Sender email: #form.Email#
      Sender IP: #REMOTE_ADDR#

      Message: #Comments#
      Message Sent: #DateFormat(now(), 'mmmm dd, yyyy')# #TimeFormat(Now(), 'hh:mm:ss tt')#

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Building an XML Flash Application with PHP and MySQL Pt ll

To further build on the tutorial "Building an XML Flash Application with PHP and MySQL" to include a gallery of images of each item and navigate through them Read More

server.mapPath Connections

making a connection using server.mapPath Read More
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