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Flashpaper 2

Need additional help with FlashPaper 2. Read More

Link webpages to MS Access Database

How do I link my webpages to MS Access database ? Read More

Updating database inventory

I want to know how to update Inventory Qty when an item has been purchased. Read More

field failed!

how to insert data when field in database as an integer?

let say....

my database
table A
A_ID as an int (key)
B_ID as an int
CD as an varchar
FG as an varchar

table B
B_ID as an int (key)
HI as an varchar

B_ID = relationship table A & table B

my form.cfm
<input type="hidden" name="B_ID" value="">
<input type="text" name="HI" value="">test

my action.cfm
<CFINSERT datasource="BA" tablename="A" formfields="B_ID">

<CFINSERT datasource="BA" tablename="B" formfields="HI">

why it cannot insert into database when submit form?

this is a message :

Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'B_ID', table 'ITDTask.dbo.tTSK_ITD'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.  
The Error Occurred in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ITDTask\ActLogin.cfm: line 9

7 :
8 : <body>
9 :           <CFINSERT datasource="BA" tablename="A" formfields="B_ID">
10 :             <CFINSERT datasource="BA" tablename="B" formfields="HI">  


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Bullet time effect

Slow motion matrix effect. Read More
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