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Recordset Question

Hi there,

I am trying to build a directory which displays listings of accommodation providers. The different locations in which the accommodation may be are stored in a table, organised in a hierachy. The basic fields are AreaName, AreaId, AreaParent (which gives the AreaId of the parent area if any) for example:

  • England (COUNTRY)
    • South-West (REGION)
      • Devon (COUNTY)
      • Cornwall
      • Somerset
      • Dorset
    • Another Region
      • more counties
      • and another
  • Another country

In the accommodation listings table, the column ListingArea gives the AreaId (from the areas table) in which the listing falls - this may only be one of the bottom level locations (the individual counties). The user is able to select the county in which they want to search.

My problem is this: I would like to make it possible for the user to select a broader area, for example "South-West" and for the results page to then pick out results from all the counties within that area. Is there a way of doing this using the existing linking field (which gives the id of the county in which the accommodation is) or would I need to add in fields to reference the country and region too?

Sorry if this isn't clear - I've tried to explain what I'm trying to do, but I think I may have made it less clear! Many thanks for any help!


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Using Unzip Folder Extension

I would like to see a tutorial on how to upload a folder using Pure ASP/PHP upload and then upzipping it using your unzip extention.





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Xupload and Pure Asp Upload

How to create a batch to upload files, i.e. a way to call any times a page with PAU.

Put more than one file field in the form is not a solution. The costumer could decide to upload one photo or a hundred.

I thought in using Xupload with Pure Asp Upload.

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Count comments of a news from 2 tables

I need to count the total of comment for each news, the news are listed with a repeted region, and I'm searching to see the total of comments under each news. Read More

Mail Services in .net 2005

how to configure a mail server in dot net 2005 beta 1 version. this version does not have support of the namespace "System.Web.Mail".


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