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Beginning Dreamweaver

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Microsoft SQL Server

Image Upload and Save Filename to SQL Database

Image Uploads with ADO Recordsets

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I want to construct a simple frameset on my website which will show other pages in the mainframe from links on my menu. Read More

Spam (HTML)in guestbook(Form)

I really need help with this growing problem. I have a guestbook that gets spammed every single day. I would really like a tutorial OR an extension for this problem. I don’t think I am alone with this problem. Read More

Article Comments by Visitors Script Set

I've searched all over the net for a PHP/MySQL based script set to allow accepting comments that would be associated with articles on various pages ... similar to what is done here on DMXzone but not requiring the article content (and other page elements) to be within a Blog or a CMS. I'm now thinking of taking it on myself but a tutorial covering the basic issues would be great! Read More
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