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Hi everyone i totally new to web design

Hi everyone i thought i would introduce myself.
I am new to web design and i will be perfectly honest i aint got a clue where to start  but i guess we were all there one time.
I have a website at the moment but i have been told it is not very good at all , I am really greatfull to the person who i payed to build it for me, But i have had many bad opinions, so i thought i would have a go myself with some expert advice hopefully
I have Dreamweaver 2004 but to be honest i aint got a clue lol Read More

tutorial for Online MCQs

A tutorial for online Multiply Choice Questions with their results in marks on next very page...


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Survey Database

We have several school food service programs and would like to survey and keep track of how schools are using the program and how we can help. Another benefit of using Access is the use of graphs to represent the survey results.

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rollover image

i was hoping some one could tell me, how can i have a buttons correspond to a specific images. So when the cursor moves over a certain button the image will change to what ever image corresponds to that button. Thank you.

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the web need help in making page fit the window when minimized

I'm hoping some one could help me, by telling me how to make the web page fit the window when it is minimized. Thank you.

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