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Shopping cart in Dreamweaver Mx (PHP).

I am working on a shopping cart website, i need to create a admin section which takes control over the site like modifying the categories and products in  the site. Please help me creating the admin section. I am unable link the categories and products.

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file download

I am writing a code in asp to download file from the server.

But there is a problem that this is not working for large size files.

Will anyone please tell me how shouild I code in order to download large size files. 

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File Download Area for Customers

We need to build a system where employees can login to a page and upload a pdf file to a customers folder.  When the customer logs in, we need it to display his folder and allow him to save it to his/her PC.  The files are always in PDF format and we need it to automatically delete the file from the customers list when we delete it from their folder. Read More

Using the PrintJob Class

Hello All! I have been in search of a Flash tutorial that provides detailed directions on how to "print" the contents of a TextArea that is populated with an XML file or any text for that matter. Read More

Image Rollover with Audio

I've been racking my brain trying to find the proper way to add audio to an image rollover in Dreamweaver MX 2004 and by trying to search for Javascripts.

I know that in Dreamweaver, you can add the 'PlaySound' behavior to an Image Rollover, but that first:

  • Doesn't show the rollover image, and;
  • Opens a new window to play the sound.

What I want is for the onMouseOver image to display and the sound to play at the same time, without another window opening.

How can this be accomplished?


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