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Problem with Framesets in Dreamweaver 8

Hi All,  Ive just built a website containing a few pages. I've added a drop down frameset at the top of one of these pages. inserted a back button to the index page. So the main page will slide under it. But when in explorer the back button returns to the index page, but the main page under the frame stays there covering the index page. Not sure how to link the main page to the back button on the top frame, so both clear to let the index page show. can anyone help me with this problem.

                                Thanks in advance for any info Scuffer92.

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Working with Sessions in PHP & MySQL

I would like a tutorial on how to passing information and storing them in a session ID for a multi-paged form. The fields must intially be inserted 9first page) and then updated as the viewer goes through the form to a database using PHP and sql script (MySQL). Read More

forms that require passwords, how to create

I want to create a form that sends the customer to another webpage if they insert a paticular password on a form.  The password is the only item in the form I want to match, which allows them to pass to the next page. Read More

A Complete Novice

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Hi Guys,

I am trying to preview the attached code in dreamweaver 8 but it comes with a prompt "To preview pages containing server-side code, you need a testing server. Would you like to specify one now?" When i click ok and specify a testing server and click ok, a blank page is displayed. What could be the problem? Please help.


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