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Search with Flash wihout Database

I would love a tutorial which shows how to search for items within Flash EXE but without use of Database either through action script defined words etc or through loading text or XML file where the data can be stored.

The results to be displayed through a link. But on clicking link gotoAndPlay command must get executed. No pop up of swf/htm file through getURL command.

We need to use three variables. One Display link name. Second keywords and finally the scene name(as we are using goto command.

Thanks if anyone could help me out

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Creating searches using Dreamweaver


i just began using Dreamweaver a few months ago and have came across a road block.  i can't seem to figure out how to create searches on my webpage.  it should basically work like a regular search.  i type in a few key words and the related pages should appear.  i was wondering if there were any tutorials regarding this.  your help would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

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Football/Soccer League and Fixtures web application

I've been looking all over the web for an application which would help run a web site publishing Football (Soccer) results.

I have 10 different leagues, 80 different teams and 11 players per team.

Players needs to be able to go to the site:
 - View forthcoming fixtures
 - Get league position
 - See previous results
 - See match report

All of the results need to be updateable by a central administrator. Can anyone help??

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Creating Journal Listing

Dear all,

I will appreciate if anybody can give me a hint to create a Journal Listing with MS Access.  Basically i need to have a search page to search in the DB for all the authors of the journals, some keywords, and the title of the journal. 

Please be so kind to help.

I appreciate


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Document Library

Hi guys,


I am looking for a quick and easy document library...  Has to able to upload files and also support multiple folders..  Cant seem to find anything.  Any help would be greatly appreciated..




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