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Help with asp Fileupload

I am making an intranet application for a bank and in their "add news" page i need to place a file uploader for them to attach files to the news description and which is saved in their server. The main problem is that i cannot pass the form details like newstitle and newsdescription along with the name of the file using the same "save" button. Looking for a quick reply.



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complex search for Mysql table

I have a table that I wish to create a complex search form using 3 drop down boxes each already populated with data from inc files.  Search can be done on one, two or all three fields by selecting criteria from drop down box or by leaving it blank.  Results should be * from tablename. Read More

creating business cards online

hi, i wt to create a flash, where registered members can create their  business card, using our templates.
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Flash avatar chat system

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Dreamweaver - fliter search results rom dropdown menu

In Dreaweaver I cannot filter my database results to display only specific data that is retrieved from mulptile drop down list on my search page. The drop down list selections are posted to my display page by GET. How do i write my sql code so to only display info where TOWN = "Town selected from list" AND BEDS ="No of Beds selected from list


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