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image change

Change image on click from drop down menu Read More

Display content without frames

I have a lot of pages that I want to display with the same header and navigation, Is there a way to display the content dynamically in the centre of a page using the same header and navigation without using frames. Read More

Displaying Calculation Results

I am making my first attempts at a web application and have elected (rightly or wrongly) to use ASP with VBScript.

I have an 'Order Line' page on which I want to display the total - ie. Qty X UnitPrice. I believe I have the code for doing the calculation:

dim a,b,c
c= a+b

response.write "Your total is $"&c

However, what I can't figure out is how to get the result to display in the correct place ie where the **** appears below:

Stock Code  Qty   UnitPrice  Total

Code1         10     20.00     ******

Can anyone out there help me??



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Change Textarea style onclick Radio Button

How do I change the background color of a text area on selecting a radio button. Read More

Variable number of columns in grid

In JSP, need to dynamically build a table around a recordset, which can have a different number of columns each time it is generated.

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