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Update a table after sucsessful login

The scenrio I have is I want a user to type in their login info and hit submit.  if the user has logged in before I want to update the database with a Y or N That way I can redirect them to another page

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Forms Validation

Form Validation with DIV

Asking help about on how to make a submit go to the desired div (loading in the right place).
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Smooth conversion of SWf to AVI with Alphal Channel

In computer graphic processing, especially in Adobe Photoshop, a color image file is composed of one or more channels, and each channel contains the color information of the image. The 3 basic channels are: RGB for red, for green and for blue. There is a necessity and importance to find a word to describe the transparent channel, and this transparent channel is called alpha channel. It is always taken for granted that the alpha channel is a “non-color” channel.
Video with alpha is a common word in Adobe Premiere. It is with the advantage of video blending. You can composite a video by blending a video and a video with alpha. The result will be that one video shows above the other without covering it. Here I recommend you use the unique conversion in the world which support the conversion of SWF to AVI with alpha channel and other advanced functions, SWF to Video Converter Pro

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Using Flash CS3 Scrollpane

I want to have some thumbnail pictures on a page, and let the user have to ability to scroll horizontally to

see more thumbs. When the user clicks on a thumb an image then would be loaded in a window or at a location above.


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Using Extensions


I have successfully built static websites and am ready to move on to dynamic sites. I have set up my testing server and downloaded and installed several wonderful extensions using the Extensions Manager. Now I need instruction as to how to access and use the extensions and behaviors. I appreciate any suggestions.

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