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Passing Protected Query String to between pages

Passing Protected or Unseen Query String to between pages

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use Dreamweaver to write code for speech application

would like to see a tutorial for sprech application using Dreamweaver

TTS  text to speech  and voice recognition of words spoken into a mic

this is to used on a PC platform - NOT a phone

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Buttons on web forms

I would like to be able to Show and Hide Buttons on a web form on the 'onclick' event of a graphic in a layer.  Has anyone got an insight into how this might be done or if in fact it is possible.

I have Graphical button's (designed in Fireworks) down the side of a page and once each is clicked I want the button in the form to be displayed.  At the moment I have it set-up so as a button is enable however there are 8 buttons on the form and it looks pretty untidy so I really need to find a way to show and hide them as appropriate. 

Cheers for any help you are able to give me.  It is for the a system im designing for a Newspaper in Ireland.

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Totalling entries in repeated regions


Can anyone advise me as to how I can total up the values in a specific field which appears in a number of repeated entries.

I have several 'Order Lines' which appear on my page. I would like to add the 'Total' field of each entry in this repeated region and display the result in a 'Grand Total' field at the bottom of the page.

Any tips/ suggestions/ full blown solutions gratefully received.



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How to make a members log in ?

I need a step by step process in how to make a members log in page. I need everything on how to make the log in menu and password menu. Read More
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