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ASP dynamic Jump Menu

I am looking for a comprehensive tutorial on how to create jump menus with dynamic content.  Dreamweaver Help is cryptic at best and macromedia is worse.  I would like to have the contents of the jump menu be all records from a database and when clicked the user is taken to a detailed page of some sort.



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I want to make just 1 call to the database! not 3!

At the moment Im making 3 recordsets, but Im sure its wrong to go back to the database 3 times to do this!

SELECT * From Users WHERE ID = 1

SELECT * From Users WHERE ID = 2

SELECT * From Users WHERE ID = 3

Click Read More to see what ive tried so far! Read More

Moving a web app from Win98/PWS to XPPro/IIS

Hi All - I'm in desperation here!! 4 months' development has just hit a brick wall


Using Dreamweaver MX and MS Access I have put together a web application using ASP VB Script.


When building this app, I was using a machine with Windows 98 and PWS. I am trying to move this application onto a machine running Windows XP Pro and IIS 5.1.


I have set up the DSN of the access database and copied all the ASP files into a virtual directory. When I run the application though I get a number of different errors:


  1. I get an Access driver error stating that the driver could not use ‘unknown’; the file is already in use.
  2. I cannot access all of my pages, I keep getting undefined errors on different pages. This seems to be totally random as I can open one page by clicking a link, follow another ‘back’ link back to the first page, then try to open the same page again and it will fail!
  3. When I do get some of the pages to work, none of the scripts I have written to update/ insert/ delete the database will run. I get a message like ‘must use an updateable query’. All these scripts are done using the standard Dreamweaver Insert/ Update/ Delete behaviours.


I am assuming that these problems are to do with either IIS and not having set up the correct privileges to run these scripts, or the DSN not being set up properly, or the way the connection is set up in Dreamweaver not working properly. It seems strange that it all runs perfectly on my old laptop, but this new machine has loads of problems.


Can anyone offer me any advice as to what I may be doing wrong, or a tutorial to show me how to set up IIS properly to do this?


Any help at all is gratefully received. I need to get this sorted as soon as I possibly can because my customer needs to be up and running this week!!!!!!




Sinista Read More

Rating System for Articles

I am trying to create a rating system, similiar to the one on dmzzone or many other site


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Microsoft SQL Server

Paging Record Set and Stored Procedures

An effective way to page thru results when stored procedures are use to get this results. Specifically if using a querystring to pass information to the stored procedure. Read More
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