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Commercial Extensions, how about it !

What do you think of Commercial Extensions that are now a days offered ?

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How does your brain work?

Most graphic artists are dominated by the right side of the brain, Whereas most programmers are left brained because they are analytical in nature.
I want to see what the average UD user is...So if you use UD mainly for the data programming aspects of it, then you just may be left brained. And if you use it for it's Design aspects, then you might be a righty.
Are you...

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Should the zone have an IRC chat room?

A lot of people want help right away without having to wait and post on message boards, an IRC chat room can help this.. vote now Read More

What do you like best in The zone

Between all the concepts developed at UDzone, what do you like the most? Read More

Which functionnality do you like best

Between all the functionality of UDzone, which one do you like the most ? Read More
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