Explore the Polls

Which language ?

There are different languages that can be used to develop dynamic websites: ASP, PHP , ColdFusion, JSP, Perl, SHTML, C,... Why did you choose your specific server language?

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Have you ever written an Extension?

Given that Dreamweaver, UltraDev, FireWorks and Flash are the most popular web development environments today, proportionately there are very few extension developers. Have you ever written an extension for one of these products?

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Buy extensions ?

Do you think you will consider purchasing of extensions such as Ultrasuite, commercial versions of  Phakt etc.

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How has the recent attack on the WTC/Pentagon and America's Attack on Afghanistan affected your web work?

How has the recent attack on the WTC/Pentagon and America's Attack on Afghanistan affected your web work?

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Which PHP Server Model

Maybe Macromedia releases their own PHP Server Model with version 5 of UltraDev, will you use it even though it might require rebuilding your sites?

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