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Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Paging Generator 2 coming up!

Now that we release the amazing App Connect State Management extension for empowering the HTML5 Web Storage, you can integrate and go further with the upcoming Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Paging Generator 2! The new generator is now fully integrated with DMXzone App Connect so you can use any the data bindings from for paging and also connect nicely with the DMXzone Server Connect!

So stay tuned for the release this week and check our the features!

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Showing one-time notifications to your web site visitors

Suppose your are building a web site for some real estate site and the owner wants you to show to all new visitors a single notification about the latest offers. The notification needs to be shown only once so it doesn't disturb the visitors. How can you do all this without any programming? Well this is really easy to do with DMXzone App Connect and the App Connect State Management as shown in the included showcase and "how is made" video

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App Connect State Management Released and on Sale!

It is finally here the power to unleash the HTML5 Web Storage solutions - the App Connect State Management. Get it now while it is on Sale!


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High Performance Data Caching with Local Storage

When fetching a lot of data for your web page or app, how can you achieve the best performance and user experience? You can already do server side paging with our DMXzone Server Connect and DMXzone Database Connector, but now you can even cache the returned data in the browsers own Local Storage - fully automatically with the upcoming App Connect State Manager!

Check the features and stay tuned for the release tomorrow!

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App Connect State Management coming up!

As your App Connect driven dynamic web sites and apps get more complicated, you really want to store the state of many data components to achieve the best user experience. This is where the App Connect State Management Add-on comes in. It offers rich choice of storage managers to fully suit your needs.

Check the highlights and stay tuned for the release this week!

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Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Table Generator 2 Released

So next to amazing Bootstrap 3 Forms now you want to generate quickly cool looking tables as well? Well check out the just released Bootstrap 3  Dynamic Table Generator 2 and its amazing DMXzone App Connect integration! Your tables will be fully generated in just a few clicks! 

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Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Table Generator 2 coming up!

Now that the Easter holidays have passed our team is back in high speed development and the new Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Table Generator 2 is almost ready for prime time! Now it is fully integrated with DMXzone App Connect so you can empower the data bindings from it and also connect nicely with the DMXzone Server Connect!

So stay tuned for the release this week and check our the features!

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Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Form Generator 2 Released

Generate amazing Bootstrap 3 Forms fully dynamically based on Server Connect Database Actions that is what the just released Bootstrap 3  Dynamic Form Generator 2 is all about! The extension comes with great showcases and video tutorials so make sure to watch these and get it today because it's on sale!

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Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Form Generator 2 coming up!

Now that you have updated all your Bootstrap 3 extensions arsenal, its time to add another great tool to it! The successor for the very popular Bootstrap 3 Form Generator is now coming up with brand new major version 2!

The new version is fully integrated in DMXzone App Connect and allows you to generate and now also edit amazing Bootstrap 3 based forms! Check out the hot features!

Will be released tomorrow - so stay tuned!

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Amazing Animated Bootstrap 3 Responsive Designs

As we have updated our main Bootstrap 3 Design extensions to work with DMXzone App Connect - you can create some pretty amazing things! Also note that new Bootstrap 3 Generators are coming up that will require the core Bootstrap 3 extensions, so get them while on sale for just a few days more!


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