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Validate Every Character with Form Validator Unicode Add-on

Last week we have released App Connect Form Validator now you know how to improve your website security and why it is important. But validating specific characters in user form inputs still can be a bit harder. That is why we have created an addition to the Form Validator for unicode characters validation. It will be available on Wednesday... at a special price!

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Don't Break Your Data, Use Form Validation

Form validation is a simple thing: it is the process of ensuring that user input is correct, clean and useful. W3 Schools are providing examples of typical validation tasks: has the user filled in all required fields; has the user entered a valid date; has the user entered text in a numeric field.

In a nutshell: the main purpose of data validation is to ensure correct user input. We can isolate two sides of the data validation: server and client side. Server side validation is performed by the server, after input has been sent to the server, client side validation is performed by the browser, before input is sent to the web server.

If you undervalue the form validation, you might be wrong. It is absolutely required in order to prevent a web site abuse by malicious users or manipulative provided information. Validation of form data is the major reason for security vulnerabilities: automated input, SQL injections, hidden field manipulation, header injections and buffer overflows.

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Form Validation vs. Security Vulnerabilities


Great new release! Our App Connect Form Validator extension is here to prevent your website from abuse by malicious users or manipulative provided information! Validation of form data is one of the major reasons for security vulnerabilities and it exposes your project to many possible attacks: header injections, automated input, cross-site scripting, SQL injection, hidden field manipulation and buffer overflows. And... hurry up, buy the extension now and save 20%!

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App Connect Form Validator - what to expect

Finally! We are about to release the most advanced HTML5 Form Validation ever! Now fully integrated with DMXzone App Connect, you can easily validate html forms, client and server side.

Available 39 validation rules to cover everything: simple e-mail, text fields, URL, dates, credit card numbers and ranges, even more complicated such as multiple rules for a single input. So keep calm and be one of the first ones to get our form validator tomorrow!

Want to see it in action now? Check the showcase below!

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Get ready for App Connect Form Validator

We know that you are building now those amazing dynamic App Connect based sites and need more than ever rock solid form validation. That is why we have being working hard to make it all possible and it is now coming up - the App Connect Form Validator

So stay tuned for the release next week!

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Hot updates to DMXzone App Connect and Server Connect

To prepare for the upcoming release of the brand new App Connect Form Validator, we have prepared some great updates for DMXzone App Connect and Server Connect.

We have also fixed some urgent issues specially for the Mac users! We had to bypass some freshly introduced bugs with Dreamweaver CC 2017.1 and now everything runs smoothly as expected.

We also took the time to optimize the performance  and speed of the panels, so that everything is clear and fast.

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Amazing Dashboards with the new App Connect Action Scheduler

Get ready for some interactivity! Now you can finally build those fancy admin dashboards that require automatic inline data refreshing! Now all made possible with the help of the just released App Connect Action Scheduler! So check it out 

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App Connect Action Scheduler coming up!

As you put more dynamic data on your DMXzone App Connect based sites, you want to make sure that even without page refresh the data gets updated regularly. You can do this with the upcoming App Connect Action Scheduler - execute any action of a regular scheduled base. A nice addition is that you can even make a progress bar of the time to next refresh!

So stay tuned for the release tomorrow

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Customize Your Bootstrap 3 Generators with Style and Color

You think your paging, tables and forms lack style and color? Well, we have just the right tool to combine with your generator extensions. DMXzone Bootswatch is not only a free extension but also features 15 different Bootstrap 3 styles to make everything bright and shiny. Of course, this great collection of themed swatches can be modified even further through the CSS to suit your needs. So make sure to check out the examples below and get it now.

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Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Paging Generator 2 Released and on Sale

So next to amazing Bootstrap 3 Forms and Tables now you want to generate fully cool looking Bootstrap 3 dynamic paging quickly? Well check out the just released Bootstrap 3  Dynamic Paging Generator 2 and its amazing DMXzone App Connect integration! Your pagination will be fully generated in just a few clicks! 

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