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Developing Flash/Database Interaction using Dreamweaver. Pt III: Updating Records

This is the third in Alex's gentle introduction to database-driven Flash application and in this article he's going to be adding an Update mechanism to the user management application he's been using as an example.

Again, Dreamweaver will be doing most of the hard work as we see how to create two Flash services to handle the update request sent from our Flash GUI and enable an update function on our existing Flash interface.

While doing this we'll see how to avoid the potential disaster of accidentally creating duplicates of the records that must stay unique (in our example this could happen when we try to modify the username field). We'll also be seeing a couple of tricks about Flash development including how to use Dreamweaver's Server Behaviours to our best advantage.

If you've missed out on the first article on creating a basic authentication mechanism, and the second on building a protected page that extracts information from the database, don't worry as the Flash and PHP source code for the article is available for download.

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Creating a PowerPoint Style Presentation in Flash: Pt. 1

Flash is a great alternative to PowerPoint when it comes to creating on-screen presentations. Presentations created in Flash are usually significantly smaller than those created in PowerPoint, especially where narrations and other sounds are included. Furthermore, the presentation graphics are normally vector-based so you won't ruin the look a Flash presentation by resizing it! It is also easy to add a Flash presentation to your Web site or to a CD-ROM.

This tutorial is the first of a two part series. In the first part, we'll create a presentation using one of the standard templates that ships with Flash. Since we can customise the look and feel of these templates as well as extending them with ActionScript, here we'll extend the presentation by adding rewind and fast forward buttons, including a slide counter that can also be used for navigation and adding a progress bar.

In the second article, we'll add the same keyboard shortcuts that are available in PowerPoint. We'll also create a presentation template. We'll finish by creating a kiosk-style presentation that runs automatically using the setInterval action.

I've assumed that you understand basic ActionScript commands and that you're comfortable adding these to your Flash movies. In the first part of the tutorial, we'll work with some of the events and properties associated with buttons and use input text fields. In part two, we'll learn about keyboard listeners and setInterval.

This tutorial come with a complete code download.

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Practical Colour Usage in Website Designs: Colour Schemes and Themes

We're surrounded by colour. While this statement is self-evident, what isn't always so obvious is how designers combine those colours.

Whether a designer is creating a website, a paint job for a racing car, or textiles for curtains, they follow certain formulas to match up their colours. These schemes are time-honoured tools to help designers create certain moods and to generate actions from their customers.

In this article, Linda gives practical advice about how to create these colour schemes with the combined use of one online and one print colour tool.

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Generating PDF files with PHP: Pt. 2

In the first part of this tutorial we looked at how to create a new page, and add text, tables and images using the EZPDF class from R & OS Ltd.

Using this class makes it easier to perform certain functions with only a few lines of code. In this tutorial we are going to look at using the PDF base class, which allows much more control over the output sent to the PDF reader, specifically looking at the drawing commands to add basic graphics to the page.

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A Different Web Accessibility Primer

Summary: Web accessibility is just as much about philosophy as it is technical knowledge. A balance of both is needed to ensure that your web sites are as accessible as possible to as many people as possible.

Most introductory web accessibility articles start with a general overview of what accessibility is, why it is important and then point to the same general set of resources at the World Wide Web Consortium for reference. For this article, I wanted to start somewhere different - somewhere that I hope might make a difference to the way you view accessibility and how it impacts your work as a web professional.

Two of the three biggest hurdles that web professionals need to clear (this includes all of us) are more mental than technical. The first is admitting that we don't know as much about how people use the web as we think we do - what we "know" is a pretty narrow slice of the web and how it is used. The second is that we need to accept - and perhaps embrace - the fact that we have a lot less control than we might like. Once we get past those two barriers, we can then move on to the third hurdle: the technical side of making our web sites and applications more accessible.

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Insert Bar Object Extensions the Easy Way

Dreamweaver MX 2004 has some rather neat little features hidden away in the interface. One of these is the History panel. Hit Shift and F10 and a rather drab little panel will open up and record every change you make whilst you're writing away in Design Mode.

Not very special you might think, but aside from speeding up your workflow when stepping back and forward through undo commands, the History panel is the first step towards creating your own commands to speed up annoying repetitive formatting tasks.

Combine this with the merest understanding of XML, HTML and JavaScript, and you're well on the way to customising your Dreamweaver installation and creating a rather grand sounding (but really not that difficult to implement) Insert Bar object extension.

Read on for a quick delve into a quick and easy way to improve your Dreamweaver MX 2004 productivity.

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Award Winning Websites, or Arbitrary Awards?

There are millions of sites on the Web and plenty of designers as well. How can you help your design talents stand out from the crowd?

Well the Webby Awards, one of the few truly recognizable and sought-after web design awards, recognizes outstanding web sites in over 60 categories. Their final deadline for submission for the 9th Annual Webby Awards is December 17, 2004. Also. for the first time this year, sites that don't make the cut for Webby Nominee or Webby Winner are eligible to receive special recognition from the Academy as Webby Worthy.

Did you design a website within this past year that you feel is worth the $95 - $195 entry fee? If not, then why not? Linda Goin asks herself that same question, as she looks at some of the past Webby Award winners and talks about what makes a Webby Winner, or any other web-design winner for that matter.

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The Dreamweaver MX 2004 Results Panel

As you'll already know Dreamweaver MX 2004 makes web site building easy, productive and fun. In fact it's so powerful you might not know your way round all the tools it places at your disposal, so in this article Matt Machell is going to take you on a guided tour around the client-side HTML tools available in the Results Panel.

He's going to show you how to effectively Search and Replace around your site, use the feedback from the Validator, Browser Check and Link Checker and appreciate Site Reports.

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B.F.A. or J.O.B.? Training as a Designer

In this series of articles we've seen lots about design theories and concepts – elements, principles, colour, typography… For some people those articles, and the links contained therein, may have provided the guidance and inspiration they need. Others though, may have felt their creative juices reinvigorated and last week's mention of universities (through the dissection of some of their web site colours, navigation, and design consistency) could have stimulated an interest in how to gain a more thorough training in design … and perhaps even a qualification.

Even if you never want to step foot in a school again, you may want to stay informed about your competition. In both cases, a good look at what schools expect, and the work their students produce, is a great way to stay on top of changes in the industry.

Here Linda Goin gives you her advice about design schools based on her personal experience gained during her quest for higher education, with a focus on identifying schools that may suit your career aspirations.

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Professional Sites, Unprofessional Design Choices: Colour, Direction, and Continuity in Web Design

When a viewer approaches a professional business on the web, he or she usually expects a professional site complete with colour schemes and links that work and pages that seem to belong together.

While most of these design issues, like colour, direction (as in navigation), and website design continuity seem mundane and of little concern for most designers (we CAN use templates to produce design continuity, after all…), it seems that not everyone keeps their eyes on the ball.

In this article Linda Goin takes a quick trip through some academic related web sites and, unlike previous web site analyses (Learn Through Better Deconstruction I and Learn Through Better Deconstruction II: Testing and Training Your "Designer's Eye"), highlights the not so good as well as the not too shoddy. Linda even finds time to deliver a fashion tip, and point out that elements of the images we use can, maybe unconsciously, indicate the ethos of our organisation.

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Flash Related Articles on DMXzone

So you've decided that to snazz up your site a little animation is needed. Something a little - ahem - Flashy.

Can DMXzone help you out? Of course we can - check out our array of Flash based articles and see how easy it is to sprinkle some Flash wonder onto your site.

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Developing Flash/Database Interaction using Dreamweaver. Pt. II: Viewing Database Records

You may recall several weeks ago, that Alex July asked if you'd ever wanted to build a database-driven Flash application but felt confused by the "database-driven" part? He wondered whether you were scared by the terms "Databinding", "Flash Remoting", "Web Services" and "Delta Packets"?

Well, in the second part of his series, Alex is going to extend the authentication mechanism application he developed in the first article to build a User Management screen that is protected by the authentication mechanism, and provides a neat way of showing how database records can be viewed in Flash.

Please note: This article is based on the first article of the series: Developing Flash/Database interaction using Dreamweaver. Pt I: User Authentication and will continue to develop the application started in that article.

Please note the base files for building today's application are available for download.

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