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Analog: Access Statistics, Web Traffic Analysis

If you run a web site, chances are you get some sort of logged information on how many visitors you get. Usually this will take the form of a set of text logs that tell you how many times a page was requested. If you're lucky, your web host will provide some form of basic transformation on your text logs to provide more detailed information. But what does it really mean? Is a hit a visitor? Why are you getting so many visitors from Virginia USA?

In this tutorial we'll look at raw web logs and what they mean and more importantly, how to run some analysis software on them and how to interpret the statistics in a meaningful way. We'll focus on using the free Analog software for analysis, and detail some common configurations for it.

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No-database Flash-PHP chat. Part III: Security and Usability features (continued)

In this tutorial we will implement the Logout functionality for the Flash-PHP chat application we have being working on in the two previous articles of the series: Creating Basic Chat Functionality and Security and Usability features.

Before implementing the actual Logout procedure we will quickly cover another important topic: maintaining the visible List of Users, the interface element allowing each user to see the list of all the chat participants. For this purpose we will utilise the Flash MX 2004 … List Component which will be refreshed every time someone logs-in or logs-out.

As most of functionality required for this feature is already in place (we built it in the previous article while working on the on the Log-in procedure), it would only be wise to implement it now as the feature will require only minor code modification in order to work for the Logout method.

Select the Interface layer, then simply drag and drop the List Component from Components Panel to the stage, place it where you think it makes sense, label it and resize to your liking. Name the instance Users_lst.

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Things you should know about Fireworks MX & MX2004 - Part 2

This article is the second in a series for Macromedia Fireworks MX/MX2004 showing how the other half of your Studio MX/MX2004  works! Features of both MX/MX2004 versions of Fireworks (FW) are covered, ranging from beginner to intermediate tools. This series can also be considered a “what's new” in FW MX2004.

This article assumes you have little knowledge of Fireworks, and that you are at least familiar with general web graphics. The first article covered the first-half of most tools in FW, this article covers more bitmap and vector tools and features in MX (Find & Replace, Textures & Patterns, Layers & Vector Masks, Automation), and new features in MX2004 (Custom hand-code & Server-Side code support, FTP & Check-In/Check-Out, and more).

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Coldfusion MX 7: Performance tuning

In this tutorial we’re going to talk about performance tuning your Coldfusion application. Some of the performance tips are compatible with Coldfusion MX 6.x, but most of the performance tips are Coldfusion MX 7 only features. We’re going to talk about query/database performance, caching your pages and finding the “bottle necks” in your application.

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Moving from Library items to Includes in Dreamweaver

In the beginning there were Library items

One of the great things about using Dreamweaver is its ability to collect together all your images and code and make it available for you to reuse throughout your site.

Library items are a great example of this, they enable you to place code/design that you will use on a number of pages into a single file, then reference it from each page.

You simply have to update the Library file and Dreamweaver will update all the pages you have placed that Library item on.

Whilst Library items bring a benefit in this respect, the fact you have to upload every page that includes the Library item following an update can be time consuming, especially when using the Library item for the Navigation, which means every page in your site has to be uploaded again.

The ideal situation would be a file, which included your design/code and was ‘linked’ to from each page, but when you updated it, you did not have to upload every page, just the one file you had worked on.


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Free! - Ten CSS tricks you may not know

1. CSS font shorthand rule

When styling fonts with CSS you may be doing this:

font-size: 1em;
line-height: 1.5em;
font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;
font-varient: small-caps;
font-family: verdana,serif

There's no need though as you can use this CSS shorthand property:

font: 1em/1.5em bold italic small-caps verdana,serif

Much better! Just a couple of words of warning: This CSS shorthand version will only work if you're specifying both the font-size and the font-family. Also, if you don't specify the font-weight, font-style, or font-varient then these values will automatically default to a value of normal, so do bear this in mind too.

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Free! - Build up links to your website

Build up links to your website

There are three main factors that determine the search engine ranking of your website:

      • Site optimization
      • Site popularity
      • Link popularity

Site optimization is about placing your keywords in the right places on your website and making your website accessible to search engines. Please read Search engine optimization: The basics for more about this.

Site popularity can be achieved through online and offline marketing and through link popularity - the more websites that link to you the more people will find your website. For more on online marketing please read this Buying your way in article.

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ColdFusion MX: CFForms and Back-End Administration (part 2 of 2)

ColdFusion MX: CFForms and Back-End Administration (part 2 of 2)

In the last article (part 1) we went through all the different types of server-side as well as client-side validation of data submitted by a form.  We even exposed some of the JavaScript that is written by ColdFusion when using <cfform> and <cfinput> together.  We also looked at the key differences between server-side validation and client-side validation as a best approach to how to build your next form / action page application.  I was hoping to get into the Back-End Administration construction but my article got too big and ran out of time to “Git-'R-Done!"

In this article we’re picking up where we left off to build out the back-end administration of the website.  This is a good time to begin it since we’ve added some front-end capabilities that work with a database.  It stands to reason that if we allow people to put stuff into the database, we better have a way to get things out of the database.  Our goal is to build the framework for our back-end, and build one tool that will allow us to report off the sales leads.  We’ll have a search interface so we can pull database records based on form criteria supplied by an admin user.  We’ll automatically pull the top 10 most recent records and make the table display columns clickable so the user can sort the data they’re seeing by ascending and descending order on the column itself.  We’re going to use some of the ColdFusion code wizards in Dreamweaver MX 2004, and we’ll look at some intermediate to advanced-level ColdFusion code suitable for a beginner.  One such example is that we will introduce recordset paging and recordset navigation.  These two useful tools allow you to be informed on what records you’re viewing, and a means to navigate through all the records being returned.

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No-database Flash-PHP chat. Part II Security and Usability features


In the first article of the series we have built some basic functionality for our “No-database” Flash-PHP Chat application. Once the concept has been proven, application security becomes developers’ top priority.

Although the topic is broad and complex, in this case it does not involve much coding. Meanwhile it will require a fair amount of instructions and explanations, mostly because it’s it closely related to another important element – application usability.
To make sure we cover all the aspects the iterations #2 and #3 have both been entirely dedicated to this subject.

In this article you will learn about the following:

  • Server directory Security.
    We will talk about simple measures designed to prevent hackers from uploading, accessing and executing scripts on the server. You will find out how with the aid of PHP Flash can load the content of a file which is not accessible from the web.

  • Application Security.
    We will start talking about user level security, things like preventing simultaneous multiple log-ins by the same users, maintaining the list of active chat users and tracking log-ins.

In the next article we will continue working on the user-level security and will concentrate on the Logout procedure:

  • Tracking  log-outs as well as making sure the application is notified by the server when a user logs-out by closing the browser window. Dramatically titled section “The last wish of Flash” will describe a method allowing to notify the web server when the browser window is being closed.

  • Enforcing log-out if a participant is utilizing more then one browser window for that same chat session.

  • We will add the interface element which will not only display the list of chat participants but will also, if desired, allow for additional functionality such as private messaging.
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CSS From the Ground Up: Inline Style

Inline Style

Used in Dreamweaver for some time to manage the Draw Layer feature, inline styles play an important role within the Cascade. Because inline styles are applied to a single element only, this gives designers an unambiguous, precise ability to hone in on styling that one element. But that level of control also carries a price, as you’ll soon find out.

In the first two articles of this series, Browser Styles and User Styles I described how browser styles and user styles can be considered opposite ends of the application hierarchy that is the Cascade. Browser styles are at the bottom-most level, and user styles are at the top-most level (Figure 1).

Figure 1:  The hierarchy so far: User styles dominate the Cascade, browser styles are at the bottommost level. Inline style is more powerful than other author styles and browser style, but can be overridden by user style.

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Data Components - XML made easy!

Flash MX 2004 Professional comes with a set of data components that allow you to include external content in your Flash movies. You only have to write one line of code to make these components work. They are very easy to configure using the Component Inspector and you can bind them directly to UI components to create simple applications.

In this tutorial, we'll look at the XMLConnector component. It's a very easy way to connect to external XML files. If you've found using the XML Class a little tricky, then this might be a good alternative for you. The component will certainly save you from having to write long paths like myXML.firstChild.childNodes[2].firstChild.nodeValue every time you want to use a value from an XML file!

We'll use the XMLConnector to create a navigation system. The system will use a ComboBox to select and load a URL. Some people call this a jump menu. The URLs will be stored in an external XML file. That way, we can update the navigation system without having to update the Flash movie.

To create the navigation system, we'll load in the XML file , bind it to a ComboBox component and add an event handler that loads the site. And we'll do all of this in only 8 lines of ActionScript!

You'll learn how to add an XMLConnector to your movie and configure it with the Component Inspector. You'll also learn about binding the XML data to other UI components such as a ComboBox and the List component. We won't cover XML documents because that in included in the earlier tutorials.

This tutorial assumes that you have Flash MX 2004. You can't use any other version of Flash because they don't include the data components we'll need. It also assumes that you have a basic understanding of XML files.

You can download the source files for the tutorial from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file. The download includes the XML files you'll need as as well as the completed files.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options... and clicking the Delete Cookies... button on the General tab.

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CSS From the Ground Up: User Styles

User Styles

User style sheets may well be the unsung heroes of CSS. Around since CSS1, the ability for a user to create a style sheet to override any author styles has significance that most of us have missed out on. User styles are those styles created by the user of a site rather than the site’s developer.

Last week, we took a look at browser styles, which fall to the extreme bottom of the Cascade. To review, the Cascade is a hierarchy of application which defines how various styles integrated with documents are applied. Browser styles are those styles that define the browser styles, and it makes sense that they take the bottommost place on the totem pole when it comes to application. Browser styles are only applied when no other styles are present. This is why h1’s look big, bold, and ugly if we don’t style them.

User styles are at the very top of the heap. Styles created by the user take precedence over any other style with only one exception that I’ll discuss in a bit.  You’ll learn to create and implement a user style sheet with Dreamweaver, but before we get to that, I want to give you some more detailed background so as to understand the rationale for user style.

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