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Free! - Remote rollovers using Fireworks part 1

This video tutorial is all about Fireworks and images, click this link to start the video. If you've finished part 1, please check out part 2. 

This tutorial was written by Joyce Evans;

Joyce J. Evans Joyce is a training veteran with over 10 years of experience in educational teaching, tutorial development, and Web design. She has spoken at conferences such as Macromedia MAX , TODCON and Seybold. Joyce has authored and co-authored over 15 books including Macromedia Studio MX 2004 Bible, Dreamweaver MX 2004 Complete Course, Web Design Complete Course.

Fireworks MX 2004: Zero to Hero and Dreamweaver in 10 simple steps or less.

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Cool Tricks with W3C DOM Javascript

Way back in the day, if you wanted to manipulate the content of your HTML document via Javascript, you had to do all sorts of checking to make sure which browser version your user had, and what kind of support it had. Was it a version 4 browser? Did it support layers or divs? Was it Opera, Netscape, Internet Explorer or something else? The resulting scripts were understandably quite complex as just the browser detection took thousands of lines of code.

The idea of the W3C Document Object Model was to give a standard way that all browsers would understand of providing an interactive layer to our web pages. In this tutorial we'll look at the basics of how the W3C Document Object Model works to manipulate how HTML is displayed and built.

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Creating springs with ActionScript

Welcome to the fifth tutorial in this series on scripted motion. In this tutorial, we’ll look at an effect that you may have seen in some Flash movies - a spring. The spring effect allows you to drag a movie clip that springs backwards and forwards and finally settles back in its original position. This effect is much easier to achieve than you might think and I’ll show you how in this tutorial. We’ll work through some examples, create a function and a text heading that uses a spring on each letter. You’ll learn about multi-dimensional arrays and calling functions at specified time intervals using setInterval.

Earlier tutorials have looked at motion in a straight line and in a circle, fades and rotations and adding inertia and gravity effects. You won’t need to have completed them before moving on to this tutorial. I've assumed that you are using Flash MX or Flash MX 2004 and that know how to add ActionScript to a movie. I've used ActionScript 1.0 for the examples.

You can download the source files for the tutorial from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file. The download includes the starter files you'll need as well as the completed files.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options… and clicking the Delete Cookies… button on the General tab.

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From the Ground Up: How to Build Online Revenue

In the last article I gave you some ideas for a basic business foundation that includes community, including a link to information about how to develop a business plan. As you create your business plan, you might decide whether you want to become an affiliate salesperson for a product or service, or whether you might decide to sell your own merchandise or skills. How can you incorporate sales and still maintain some integrity with your site? In this article, I’ll demonstrate how you can become a small business “expert” in sales without appearing overt or downright scary to viewers.

One-Person Revenue-Producing Sites

Some of the examples I used for the last article were rather large sites, like C|Net, EBay, and Suite 101. These sites employ many people just to maintain and build a site, let alone to run business operations. What if you are a one-person operation? Do you have a chance to make money, or are you doomed to draining your bank account with your Web site? If you build and maintain sites just for the heck of it, then more power to you. Many of us, however, need to make enough money to pay for the server, bandwidth, and any other small (or large) expenses that come across our paths.

You can either sell your own merchandise or services, or you can become a sales associate or affiliate for another business. Even if you carry your own products, you might incorporate another business’s products or services to enhance your sales. Below, I’ll talk about some advantages and disadvantages between selling your own products/services and then how you might incorporate third-party sales.

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Linked Style and the Cascade

One challenge many Web designers and developers new to CSS face is to understand the various facets of the Cascade. The Cascade is a hierarchy of application and provides us with rules to both apply CSS in a hierarchical fashion if we so decide to do so and to help us resolve conflicts that might appear within our styles.

In recent articles, I’ve covered the various types of style sheets, including user, author, and browser, and then reviewed the primary author styles: inline, embedded, and linked. I discussed what the Cascade offers in terms of how it applies styles in this hierarchical fashion. What I haven’t yet discussed is the use of multiple linked style sheets in a given document, why this can be helpful, and how the Cascade applies in the instance of multiple style sheets and multiple conflicting rules.

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Free! - How to find good keywords

Good keywords are frequently searched for (high demand) but not being targeted by many other websites (low competition). There are a number of tools out there that can help you find them.


The best tool out there, Wordtracker is one of the most essential SEO tools. To use Wordtracker:

  • Go to the Wordtracker website and pay £7 for 24 hours’ access
  • Enter a keyword phrase you're thinking about targeting
  • Wordtracker will suggest hundreds of related phrases - click on the ones you like
  • Once you've clicked on all the phrases you like, run them through the program
  • Wordtracker will compile a score for each phrase, based on the number of users searching for it and the number of websites targeting it
  • The higher the score, the better the keyword phrase!

Wordtracker also offers a free service which works in the same way but only uses results generated from Altavista.

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Taking Design to the Desktop

Taking Design to the Desktop

How many of us use a background on our desktops? I think if I were to post a poll about it, I would get at least 95% of people saying ‘yes’. But what is it most of us see when you look at the same familiar screen 2 thousand times a day? A good looking woman, a sports car, or a tranquil scene of some fish floating around on a reef somewhere exotic is a good place to start when you try to envision other people’s monitors because the majority of people never stray further past the default wallpapers Microsoft ships with windows.

A few create their own wallpapers or use programs such as Microsoft PLUS to extend their desktop capabilities, when in fact there is a really cool way of using the desktop which was introduced back in Windows 98 which not a lot of people know about or care to use if they do.

That forgotten feature is the ability to use web documents on the desktop. And the fun doesn’t stop there. Not only does it support HTML, but if you use a page from the web then the options are quite open for what you can view.

Locally (using files off your own machine) you can use HTML, CSS & Flash documents.

Remotely, I haven’t tested it with all file types but I have ASP & PHP pages displayed with ease, so I’m assuming CFM pages etc. should run ok. If not you always have your trusty browser to rely on ;)

Note: I have not tried to view dynamic pages locally as I see no need to view my own pages in that way, so it may be entirely possible to view asp, php pages etc.. locally. I just haven’t tested that possibility.

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Interface Widgets: Datagrid (part II)

In this iteration of the series we will complete our datagrid widget which we started on in Interface Widgets: Datagrid (part I). Today we will cover a few more topics: columns sorting, editing records directly in the datagrid and printing the datagrid scrollable content.

Sortable columns

First of all let’s decide which columns will be sortable and by which one the datagrid will be sorted by default when the page first loads.

To me it made the most sense to sort the columns by Title, Price and Genre. I also decided by default the datagrid should be sorted by Title.  In order to show to the user the difference between the non-sortable and sortable columns we want to make the latter look more like buttons. I created a separate CSS class and applied it to all sortable columns.

border-top: 2px solid  ThreedHighlight;
border-left: 2px solid  ThreedHighlight;
border-bottom: 2px solid  ThreedShadow;
border-right: 2px solid  ThreedShadow;
color: ButtonText;
font-weight: bold;
cursor: default;

To visually indicate the current sort order (ascending or descending) we need two images – for the “up” and “down” arrows. You can use the images below or create your own:

Down arrow:
Up arrow:

If you open those images with your favourite image-editing software you will see that both of them are semi-transparent gifs. Using transparent areas creates the desired 3D/ see-through effect and allows the arrows to “take on” the user’s system colour.

Place both images in each sortable header cell next to the column title.

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How to Make Community-Building Pay

Last week I reviewed Amy Kim’s strategies about how to build and maintain online communities. Her outlook on community carried an “organic” or growth-oriented perspective. However, Amy’s strategies concerned a human aspect rather than a profit motive. Unless you have a lot of time on your hands or an inheritance, you might wonder how to pay for this community. This week, I’ll offer a few examples to explain how to grow profit along with your online followers.

Online Community + Profitable Ideas

While some Web developers are happy with the commissions that they make from associate programs, other folks might dream about a Web site that makes enough money so that they can quit their regular jobs. As avid Web users, you might have noticed that many seemingly profitable businesses utilize online community to help build customer loyalty. How do they do it?

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Free! - Thumbnail and watermark images on the fly with ASP.NET

This is a very easy and effective way to display watermarked and thumbnailed images from a folder on your server. It is based on an original piece of code from 4 Guys at Rolla, with image quality interpolation and watermarking added.

Download the watermarked_thumbnail.aspx file and stick it on your server.

Change the strWatermark text to whatever text you want. This measures the text length for positioning in the image.

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Free! - Benefits of an accessible website - part 2: The business case

The DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) states that service providers must not discriminate against disabled people. A website is regarded as a service and therefore falls under this law, and as such must be made accessible to everyone.

Some organisations are making accessibility improvements to their websites, but many are seemingly not making the accessibility adjustments. Disabled people don't access their website, they say, so why should they care?

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Scripted motion and inertia

Scripted motion and inertia                                                  

This is the fourth article in the series on creation movement in Flash with ActionScript. So far we’ve looked at moving an object in a straight line and in a circle using ActionScript. We’ve also looked at fading and rotating with code.

In this article, we’ll look at creating more realistic straight line motion. So far, the movement that we’ve created has used a constant speed. This is not very realistic as most of the motion in the real world consists of acceleration and deceleration. When an object moves, there is often inertia slowing it down. If you drove a car without your brakes on, inertia would decrease the speed of the car as you moved further away from your starting point. Similarly, when you drop an object from a height, gravity speeds it up as it gets closer to the ground.

By working through this tutorial, you’ll learn how to add inertia and gravity to your Flash objects. We’ll create functions that allow you to reuse your code throughout your Flash projects.

I've assumed that you are using Flash MX or Flash MX 2004 and that know how to add ActionScript to a movie. I've used ActionScript 1.0 for the examples.

You can download the source files for the tutorial from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file. The download includes the starter files you'll need as well as the completed files.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options… and clicking the Delete Cookies… button on the General tab.

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