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Hybrid Layout, the peaceful coexistence of tables and CSS Part 2

Hybrid layout is a special way to create a page's layout, it stands for tables and CSS in a peaceful coexistence. In part 1 I showed you how to clean up <body> tag, how to define and modify CSS rules, and how to attach an external style sheet.  

There are still tons of <font>, <b> and <i> tags and deep nested tables in the example files. In this article we'll

  • Convert <b> and <i> tags into <strong> and <em>,
  • Get rid of <font> tags,
  • Get rid of nested <tables> used for creating small borders,
  • Add footer & header DIVs.
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More controlling form fields

Once you begin to use JavaScript you’ll find that a lot of what you end up scripting involves dealing with forms. Form submissions, validations, dynamically displaying fields and even disabling and enabling fields. The disabling and enabling part can be confusing so we’re going to cover how to deal with this subject with each type of form field: the textbox, radio button, checkbox, button and dropdown list.


I’ve covered this once before, but I wanted to take a different approach with this article and also show you how to deal with radio buttons and trigger field control with a dropdown menu.

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Free! - Active Slideshow, the movie!

DMXtutorials.com has done it again; here is a great movie that shows you how to create a Flash slideshow with the Active Slideshow extension for a PHP page.

About Active Slideshow
Bring your photos to life in an amazing Flash slideshow. This extension uses amazing effects from the famous director, Ken Burns. The slideshow slowly zooms in and pans across your photos, bringing your photos to life. Furthermore, you can add your favourite sound or music track, making it the most enjoyable slideshow ever!

The extension allows you to create and customize your slideshow within a few clicks in Dreamweaver. Fireworks is used to convert the images to the specified size. The Flash player is used for displaying the slideshow to the user.

 The slideshow generates an instant user experience by streaming the images and sounds directly. This way the user can enjoy your slideshow instantly even with a low bandwidth connection.

Note: You need Fireworks MX (2004) to use this extension

Get active slideshow>>


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Free! - Integration of Active Slideshow and PowerPoint

Integration of Active Slideshow and PowerPoint

Consider being able to add any slideshow produced using Active Slideshow to a PowerPoint presentation. Is this something that appeals to you? Read on!
In this tutorial I will show you how to display an Active Slideshow in a PowerPoint presentation giving you the ability to add an animated slideshow in your presentation. I will talk you through adding the slideshow to the PowerPoint slide and enable you to produce stunning PowerPoint presentation using the Active Slideshow extension.

Why use Active Slideshow in PowerPoint?

You have produced a great slideshow using the fantastic Active Slideshow extension – Why leave it at that? The slideshow is on your website, attracting visitors and interest, why not also use it in a PowerPoint presentation? Whether your slideshow includes a product range, portfolio, latest project or your company image, it could be used in a PowerPoint presentation. We all now know how easy it is to produce great slideshows for the web using Active Slideshow but wouldn’t it be great to include them in PowerPoint presentations for those all important marketing pitches. Well now you can!

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The new and improved Date Picker!

The new and improved Date Picker!

In January of 2004 I wrote an article called The JavaScript Date Picker. This was before DMXzone included the code and essential files with your article. The date picker was pretty good, but some people had problems with copying the code and implementing the widget.

Nowadays  you get the whole kit and caboodle when you buy an article. Secondly, while the date picker itself was pretty decent, there were a couple of issues I didn’t like about it. I guess you could say I gave you a foundation but not a whole working widget you could drop into your pages. This article aims to fix that by providing you with an updated, better working calendar which you can drop right into whatever project you are using. Included will not only be the code, but the graphics files, HTML and CSS as well. And you can be sure this is something you can use in production. I just finished implementing this very code into a rather large project in my 9-5 job, and it has been thoroughly tested. (Our QA department is very picky!)

With this new script, I’ll be talking more about what the script does and how it works and a little bit less about the Date object. So if you are rusty or inexperienced with the Date object, you could review the other article as well.

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An online radio station for your website (Using Flash Communication Server MX) Part 2


In last article of this series, we learnt how we can make an MP3 Player for our websites that will continue to entertain our visitors by playing continuous music. We used Macromedia Flash MX 2004 to create such a player. In this episode, we will learn how to integrate our Player that we created in first part with Macromedia Flash Communication Server MX.

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Hybrid Layout the peaceful coexistence of tables and CSS Part I

Hybrid layout is a special way to create a page's layout, it stands for tables and CSS in a peaceful coexistence. In this article I'll show you how to convert old web sites with tons of <table>, <font>, <b>, and <i> tags into neat hybrid layout pages without messing up the existing page's basic layout.

We won’t use any hand coding! I'll show you how to create a Hybrid layout with nothing more then the built-in features of Dreamweave! You will learn

  • How to get rid of <tables> and <font> tags,
  • How to convert <b> and <i> tags into <strong> and <em>,
  • How to create new CSS rules,
  • How to change CSS rules, and
  • How to apply CSS rules in Dreamweaver.

I will work on an old version of a web site from the year 2001 with a horrible "old-fashioned" source code. We'll convert those into a neat and easy to edit source code.  I'm sure you will soon get familiar with the techniques I use and you don't want to miss them any more.

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Making friends with Bezier curves

If you've come to Fireworks from a bitmap graphics application, you may at first glance find vector graphics counter-intuitive.  One of the more confusing aspects of vector objects are Bézier curves. These allow you to create curved vector objects and are an essential tool in all vector work.  This article is about how to control Bézier curves in Fireworks, how to create the controlling handles for the curves, and how to switch between the different types of handle.  When you master these, you'll have complete control over creating vector shapes in Fireworks.

If you're familiar with Freehand or Illustrator, vector objects will be old friends, though you may wish to follow through this article as a guide to Fireworks-specific controls.

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Fireworks MX & MX2004: Fun with Productivity Part 2

Web graphics need to be sliced, diced, optimized, and put back together. In the first article we talked about before the design phase - abusing our Properties panel, and preparing designs using safe sizes. This article covers productivity tips for during and after our design phase, with awesome time-saving shortcuts that work in both Fireworks MX & MX2004, and most likely Fireworks 8. Speaking of Fireworks 8, you may not need that new Image Editing panel after I show how to do all those shortcuts. Cutting down production time may make production a bit more fun, just don't tell your clients!

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How to validate forms with VBScript Part 2


As discussed in Part 1 of How to validate forms with VBScript, this second article we will look at the validation of specific data.

Very often, just ensuring that a form field is populated is not enough, the data being entered is specific (Phone numbers, credit card numbers, email addresses etc) and we can use VBScript to ensure the data entered is what we want.

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Photoshop Tips & Tricks for Web Designers

There are hundreds of tools and features in Photoshop. Learning the basics requires an investment of time and mental energy. Moving beyond the basics into true mastery requires even more time and an adventurous spirit. Of course, it helps to pull on the countless years of accumulated experience that millions of Photoshop users have amassed. That’s what this article is all about: distilling the useful tidbits learned by years of poking, prodding and just having fun experimenting with this great tool.

Most of the tips presented will work in Photoshop 7, CS (8) or CS2 (9), but in some cases there are techniques that only work if you have certain tools and features. The screen captures were taken in Photoshop 7 and CS2.

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Free! - export to Excel

Have you ever seen an option to export to excel on the bottom of a table. In this tutorial we are going to show you how to add that feature to your site.  

Using the Export to Excel extension it's really quick and easy.   The only complicated part is writing your SQL statements - if you want to be very particular about what is displayed in the Excel Document.  

You can program a feature like this yourself (in either ASP or PHP) however it will take an hour or two. With the The Export to Excel extension it takes 3 minutes and it only costs $17.00.

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