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Google Music is Open for Business

Google has launched Google music that enables users to discover, purchase, share and enjoy digital music in new ways. With the beta version of Google Music users couldn't buy songs from labels but they could upload their entire music collection for free to the cloud. Now Google Music is open to anyone in the United States. Read More

Ten Recent Google Search Algorithm Changes

Google posted a highlight list of the algorithmic changes that they’ve made over the past month, on Inside Search blog. The purpose of this blog is to share the methodology and process behind the Google search ranking,evaluation and algorithmic changes. In the list you can read a description of the recent changes that improve almost everything from translation, to snippets to autocomplete.

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Google Music Store

According to some rumors Google is planning to present various new features, which probably will include a new music store app and downloads to its cloud music service. The company is expected to unveil them at the ‘These Go To Eleven’ event on November 16th, but some recently leaked screenshots shows an early look at them.

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Think Insights with Google

Think Insights with Google is forward-thinking and rooted in data. You can use it as a one-stop shop for consumer trends, marketing insights and industry research. This is the place where you can explore all the Google information and resource hubs for marketers, helpful tools and studies, the latest trends and exciting videos.

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Google's Rolling out Google+ Pages Worldwide

Today Google presents Google+ Pages worldwide. With Google+ Pages the company focuses not only on connecting people with other people but also on connecting people with all the things they care about from local businesses to global brands. Google offers two ways to add pages to circles from Google search. The first is by including Google+ pages in search results, and the second is a new feature called Direct Connect.

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Google Indexing Facebook Comments

Now Facebook comments that people publish on web sites from the add-on commenting system are indexed by Google. The change became possible because the technology that scans Web pages, Googlebots, now has the ability to execute AJAX/JS and recognizes comments encased in JavaScript platforms like Facebook Comments, Disqus, and Echo.

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Google Makes Search Results Fresher

Google Search announced that it will use a freshness algorithm, designed to give you the most up-to-date results. The algorithm will be able to figure out if a result from a week ago is recent enough for the words that you've entered, or if it is already too old because the most recent information can be from the last week, day or even minute.

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Gmail With a New Look

Google showed the new design of Gmail that they've been working since last summer. Soon the changes will appear to everyone but the Gmail users who are eager to try the new design will be able to switch to the new look over the next few days. The new Gmail automatically adapts to fit nicely in any size window. Also many high definition themes were added and the conversation was redesigned to improve readability.

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Google Reader with a Fresh Design and Google+ Sharing

Google Reader which is an app for collecting and reading news articles all in one place is getting a new design. Now, the app will look more like a combination of Google+ and the new Gmail user interface. The other new feature that Google added is the button +1 to a feed item that enables users to share it with their circles on Google+.

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Google+ Announced Four New Features

Google+ added four new features in four different areas including "What's hot" which is a new place to visit for interesting and unexpected content, Ripples and Creative Kit. If you are interested in any public post now you can choose to view the ripples so that you'll be able to follow the recent activity, zoom in certain events and identify top contributors. You will also be able to edit your photos with Creative Kit directly in your browser.

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