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Smart Mailer ASP

Single mail does not send and no error?


I've a problem... I am sending a single mail, but it is not sending and there are no errors displayed. Read More
Smart Mailer ASP

Progress window displays with error?


The progress window is showing but displays: "Page cannot be found." Read More
Smart Mailer ASP

I selected a progress bar, it flashes but goes away


I am sending mail to multiple recipients. I selected a progress bar and now it flashes but goes away. Read More
Smart Mailer ASP

Do I have to specify a mail server?


Should I always specify a mail server? Read More
Smart Mailer ASP

I am getting an extra space!


I am wondering why there are empty spaces in the body of my mail when I send static text. Read More
Smart Mailer ASP

Which component should I use?


I am using Windows XP. Which component should I choose to send the mail?
Read More
Smart Mailer ASP

Which components are supported?


What server components can I use to use the Smart Mailer extension? Read More
Smart Mailer ASP

Send 2 different emails on submit?


I would like to send an email to the user and a different email to me when the user hits the submit button. Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Please create a form with file upload field before using this behavior

When trying to create a form in Dreamweaver, on applying the Pure ASP Upload behaviour, you get the error message "Please create a form with file upload field before using this behaviour" Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

ASP error - Disallowed Parent Path


I have got a technical problem. Can you explain me the following
statement, please:

Active Server Pages error ''ASP 0131''

Disallowed Parent Path

/knowledgebase/admin/index.asp, line 1

The Include file ''../ScriptLibrary/incPureUpload.asp'' cannot contain ''..'' to
indicate the parent directory.

Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Upload Large Files on Windows 2003 server


Does Pure ASP Upload 3 support uploading large files on Windows 2003 server? I'm getting the following error:

Request object error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005'
Operation not Allowed
/ScriptLibrary/incPureUpload.asp, line 40

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Pure ASP.NET Upload

Installing Pure ASP.NET Upload


I am new to Installing new Server Behaviors. How do you install the new Pure ASP.NET Upload Extension in Dreamweaver MX? I would like to use Dreamweaver MX to upload the file and to insert other fields into the table but I cannot get the extension installed. Do I have to put the PureUpload.dll file somewhere and how do I generate the correct block of code? I need guidance. Read More
Pure ASP.NET Upload

Site or application


How do I make a web application of my website ? Read More
Pure ASP.NET Upload

Parser error when running application


When I try to run my application I get the following parser error :

Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowdefinition='MachineOnly' beyond machine.config.

What can I do to fix this problem ?

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Pure ASP.NET Upload

File or assembly was not found


I get the following parser error when I try to run my application :

Parser Error Message: File or assembly name PureUpload, or one of its dependencies, was not found.

What can I do to fix this problem ?

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Pure ASP.NET Upload

Strange run time errors


I get the following alert when I try to upload a file :

"There is a runtime error. Object is expected." Read More
Pure ASP.NET Upload

Resize an image on upload


Using Pure ASP.NET Upload can you change the size of an image on upload ? Read More
Pure ASP.NET Upload

Multiple upload of files using Pure ASP.NET Upload


I am wondering if there is a way to use the Pure ASP.NET Upload extension to upload multiple files ? Ideally, I would like to have 4 or 5 File fields on a page to allow users to upload 1 - 5 different files to the server.

Is this at all possible?

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Pure ASP.NET Upload

Multiple insert of files using Pure ASP.NET Upload


How would you modify the loop structure so that the file details of several files were all inserted into a database as well, using say the insert multiple example from Read More
Pure ASP.NET Upload

Uploading a folder


Is it possible to upload a folder with Pure ASP.NET Upload ? Read More
Pure ASP.NET Upload

Deleting a previously uploaded file


The Pure ASP.NET Upload extension does not support deleting of previous uploaded files. Is there a way to delete those files using ASP.NET ? Read More
Pure ASP.NET Upload

Changing the filename on-the-fly


Is there any way to change the name of the file being uploaded on the server without using JavaScript on the filefield prior to the submit? Read More
Pure PHP Upload

File Copy failed with Pure PHP Upload


I applied the Pure PHP Upload extension and it gives me an error "file copy failed". This happens on my new and existing pages.
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Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

File Copy Failed?


I applied the Pure ASP Upload extension and it gives me an error "file copy failed". This happens on my new and existing pages. Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

No progress window is shown

I have entered an progress window with Pure Upload, the file uploads fine, but no progress window is shown. I use Pure Upload in a form with PD Online HTML Editor. Read More
Pure PHP Upload

Upload to Dynamic Folders


I use Pure PHP Upload 2.0.0. How can I use the extension to upload files in different folders. The extension is on a side with a product (after insert with id (session)). One field is a catecory field (with a number for the catecory). How can I use this number for the upload folder? Read More
Pure PHP Upload

Store filename in a session variable

Using Pure PHP Upload, how can I store the filename of the uploaded file in a session variable?

I simply want the files to be uploaded and filenames stored in session variables, no need to insert in a database table.

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Pure PHP Upload

Can You Change The Filename On The Fly?


When using Pure PHP Upload, is there any way to change the name of the file being uploaded on the server without using JavaScript on the filefield prior to the submit? Read More
Pure PHP Upload

Default image


In making a file upload optional, when someone decides not to upload a file, is there a way to make the display page appear without that broken gif image? Maybe with words that say, "image not provided" - something like that.... Read More
Pure PHP Upload

Check Form not Working


I'm using the yaromat check form extension and when I add Pure PHP upload, it checks the form but if there's an error, I can see it but the pure PHP upload makes still the insert and even if I didn't choose a file to upload (and disable the "File required")... any idea what to do or what I'm doing wrong? Read More
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