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Server Side

ASP.NET Web Forms: An Overview - Part 1

Web forms are an ASP.NET technology designed to easily build dynamic, interactive web pages. They provide a programming interface akin to the API's in forms-based development tools that are used in building highly responsive office productivity applications. In the first part of this two-part series, Rey Nuñez delivers an introduction to getting to grips with this technology. In the second part, tommorrow, he completes the story by going into web controls in detail.

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Server Side

Nested Repeat Region using Data Shaping

This tutorial shows you how to create a nested repeat region using 'data shaping'.  This is a more efficient method of creating nested repeats than filtering, but it does require a special OLEDB connection string to the database (details included).  Sample files/database can be downloaded. Read More
Server Side

Nested Repeat Region using a Recordset Filter

This tutorial shows you how to create a nested repeat region using recordset filtering. Read More
Server Side

Passing Form Values to a second page when using MM Insert or Edit

This tutorial goes over all the steps to fix the Macromedia Insert or Update record coding so that the submit button will automatically pass the values of the form through the Redirect and make them available on a second page. Read More
Server Side

A Practical Guide to Active Server Pages

This practical guide aims to be a complete programming guide as well as a reference for the serious ASP programmer.

You don't have the time to rummage through 1000-page thick books? You don't have the time to sift through jokes & wisecracks? This is the right resource for you ...

Author: Manas Tungare (http://www.manastungare.com/asp/)

Note: It is available as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file currently, and the web version is under development.

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Server Side

Error Handling in ASP

Don't you hate it when you get those nasty ADO errors? There's nothing worse than an end user seeing those. This article discusses how to implement error handling in ASP so that errors are trapped, error messages formatted, and an informative ...

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Server Side

ASP Directory Listing

This tutorial shows how to read a directory structure in ASP. The demo lists the contents of a few directories located on this site, including any subdirectories and their contents, along with some information on file sizes and last modified dates.

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Server Side

Using the FileSystemObject for Web Site Maintenance

This article shows how to use the FileSystemObject to perform standard web site maintenance. For example, say that you allowed users to upload files to your web server. Perhaps you want to periodically check to make sure that these files weren...

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Server Side

ASP.NET QuickStart Tutorial

The ASP.NET QuickStart is a series of ASP.NET samples and supporting commentary designed to quickly acquaint developers with the syntax, architecture, and power of the ASP.NET web programming framework. The QuickStart samples are designed to be short, easy-to-understand illustrations of ASP.NET features. By the time you have completed the QuickStart tutorial, you will be familiar with:
  • ASP.NET Syntax. While some of the ASP.NET syntax elements will be familiar to veteran ASP developers, several are unique to the new framework. The QuickStart samples cover each element in detail.
  • ASP.NET Architecture and Features. The QuickStart introduces the features of ASP.NET that enable developers to build interactive, world-class applications with much less time and effort than ever before.
  • Best Practices. The QuickStart samples discuss the best ways to exercise the power of ASP.NET while avoiding potential pitfalls along the way.
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Server Side

DSN vs DSN less Database Connections

In this article we will learn the two ways of connecting to database :

  • via DSN ( Data Source Name )
  • without DSN

Also read the FAQ about easy making ADO Connection Strings

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