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Server Side

Create a Fully Functional, Multifeatured ASP Shopping Basket

For an e-commerce Web site, a shopping basket is a crucial part of the equation. Having a fully functional and easy-to-use shopping basket can be the difference between a shopper completing his or her visit with a purchase from your site, or simply adding to the list of abandoned baskets on the Internet. The days of the HTML form as shopping basket are long gone; your shoppers expect more. ISPs and business owners know this, and that is why, today, most ISPs will charge an extra fee to add a shopping cart to your hosted Web site. This article shows how to create your own shopping cart relatively easily.

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Server Side

Preparing your ASP Pages for a Transition to ASP.NET

This article briefly examines the design and development changes in ASP.NET from classic ASP. This article focuses on looking at how to write your ASP code today to make it easier to port the ASP code you write today into future ASP.NET code.

Also keep in mind that both ASP and ASP.NET can run simultaneously on a Web server. When moving to ASP.NET you are not required to migrate all of your ASP pages to ASP.NET pages. However, you may wish to due to ASP.NET's enhanced performance and better code maintainability and readability over classic ASP.

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Server Side

An Introduction to Regular Expression with VBScript

This article will explain some basics about regular expressions. So you can get started.

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Server Side

Using ASP to Internationalize Your Web Pages on Windows 2000

You can publish international Web sites by taking advantage of the language-support features included in Windows 2000 and Active Server Pages (ASP). Windows 2000 supports the use of multiple languages on one machine, while ASP supports publishing in multiple languages—you can declare a language for each ASP page or for each ASP application. You can also mix languages on the same ASP page.

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Server Side

Setting the Code Page for String Conversions

A code page is an internal table that the operating system uses to map symbols (letters, numerals, and punctuation characters) to a character number. Different code pages provide support for the character sets used in different countries. Code pages are referred to by number; for example, code page 932 represents the Japanese character set, and code page 950 represents one of the Chinese character sets.

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Server Side

Making Repeated Regions Dynamically

This tutorial shows how to make use of the repeated regions in Ultradev dynamically with just some simple adjustments to the code. Complete with pictures and a working example link. (sorry, the link is not available anymore) Read More
Server Side

Set the ASP Locale ID Per the Browser's Language Settings

When creating an Active Server Pages (ASP) application that will be accessed from multiple international sites, it is beneficial to modify the Locale settings so that the VBScript Date, Time, Currency, and so forth formats will return the appropriate format for the user's location.

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Server Side

Dynamically resize an image

As developers, we're often called on to create picture galleries, thumbnails to larger images, and with an ecommerce site, product pages where all the images need to fit within a constrained image size. With the wonders of ASP (and 4guysfromrolla), we're going to do just that. All the code for this method was created by 4guysfromrolla, I'm just going to give you a slightly less convoluted (and technical) explanation on how to implement it.

Note: for more advanced server side image resize check out the Smart Image Resize 

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Server Side

Global Error Handling in IIS5 with Mail Notify

In this tutorial I will explain how to easy it is to make a global error page that will be displayed each time an error occurs. Here are some objectives we will try to archive:

  • The page should be executed on each ASP error
  • The error page will be customized to the appearance of the site.
  • An e-mail shall be sent to the administrator when the error page executes to inform him about the error.

This is a very neat solution because we don't want to have a very extended error handling on each page. And even if we put such handling on each page - there are so many errors that can occur - we will never be able to handle them all.

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Server Side

Deleting multiple records via checkboxes

This is the first of 2 tutorials on batch record deleting. The first tutorial requires a minimum experience with UD's forms and live data. a short manual coding is required in the delete page.

The second tutorial shows you how to delete, along with the records, the files on the server the records point to. Typically this is the case with image files, that have been uploaded to the server and whose path is stored in a database table.

If you delete just the records, the image files will be left on the server, using up precious space. Read More
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