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Server Side

Getting rid of your ADOVBS.INC file!

Just say NO to using ADOVBS.INC in your ASP pages. It's not the right way to do things. It requires an include file in *every* page that uses any ADO constants. Include files impose overhead -- significant in sites that see a great deal of traffic. Furthermore, this file is fairly long, including all kinds of constants of which any one page will probably only use one or two. There is a better way........

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Server Side

Setting up local SSI's on Win2k Professional.

Do you keep getting the following error when you try to implement local Server Side Includes (SSI's) on Windows 200 Professsional?

Error Type:
Active Server Pages, ASP 0126 (0x80004005)
The include file 'includes/top.asp' was not found.

Find out what's going wrong and how to fix it :)

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Server Side

Simple Text Replace - For Swearing Validation/Custom Tags etc.

In the development of a forum program in ASP, I found it neccesary to implement several features, if the project was the match the forerunners of the day.

I figured that using this bit of code, I could acheive all of them. This code works to replace anything a user types in a specific feild of a new record with custom text or HTML you wish to appear.

Thats all there is to it. PLEASE NOTE: The file in this zip archive contains the results of my swearing validation, and as such, contains a LOT of swears. Be warned before opening :)

Hope this is of some use!

Joe Utichi

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Server Side

PHAkt Connections for Dummies

The main tutorials for setting up your PHAkt connection are great. But since I knew so little, I found I needed specific guidance about what to put in each field. The exact syntax was messing me up, and I missed some comments in the install notes. This is what I wish I knew when I started. Read More
Server Side

Using PHAkT v1.0: Connecting to a MySQL Database using MyODBC

Connecting to a MySQL Database from within UltraDev can be a little daunting, especially if you're new to UltraDev. This tutorial explains how to connect to a MySQL database using MyODBC. Extremely usefull for PHAkt users!

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Server Side

Using PHAkT v1.0: Connecting to a MySQL Database using JDBC

This tutorial takes the user through using the new JDBC connection method for UltraDev's PHP server model PHAkT. This tutorial is a lot shorter than the MyODBC tutorial, as this is a much simpler way to connect. It is aimed at the MAC or PC user.

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Server Side

Advanced Search Technology with SQL WhereStrings

As your database gets more complicated, searching across multiple fields in the database is more difficult. The solution is to build your SQL query on the fly using a Wherestring. This type of Advanced Search Technology (AST) will significantly add to your site. Learn how to use AST principles to create dynamic search pages on your site. Read More
Server Side

Delete file before deleting record

This tutorial explains how to write a code that deletes a file that has been uploaded to your server before deleting the record where the image belongs to.
June 18, 2001: Added a demo application.

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Server Side

Creating a File Upload Site

I've been working on a site for users to be able to upload text files of articles and/or GIF or JPG files for inclusion in the site. I dind't want to use a COM-based like SA-FileUp or ASPUpload because of the hassles with the ISP. I needed a complete ASP solution so I pulled together Server Behaviors from some of the best--George Petrov (PureASP Upload), Tom Steeper (Preview File before Uploading), Owen Palmer (Dynamic File Include), and Tom Muck (Insert and Obtain ID). I want to thank all of them for their great Server Behaviors, each one an integral ingredient of the recipe. Thanks to a bunch of great chefs! (See below for how to get the Server Behaviors).

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Server Side

Creating a DSN less Connection for ASP

Generally, a DSN less connection is a better and faster connection to a database. Also, in many cases web hosting companies only allow you to have one DSN connection setup which limits you to a single database on your site. But what if you need more than one and are reluctant to upgrade you hosting plan to a much more expensive one. Well in that case, DSN less connection is your ticket to happiness babe!

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