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Server Side

Replace VbCrLf in TextArea

This is a simple tutorial on how to replace VbCrLf in a textarea by <br>, so that you can format the input when displayed.  Read More
Server Side

Multiple Update of Records Part 2

Part 2 Multiple Update of Records

This tutorial will show you how to update multiple records on the same page as the multiple delete action. Must read Part 1 to understand how things are setup.

Part 1 Multiple Delete of Records

This tutorial will show you how to perform a multiple delete of records in one operation.

if the recordset in the working example is empty, you will have to wait untill i have filled it again with records.

4guysfromrolla, changed for use with Macromedia Ultradev/MX.

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Server Side

Multiple Delete of Records Part 1

Part 1 Multiple Delete of Records

This tutorial will show you how to perform a multiple delete of records in one operation.

Part 2 Multiple Update of Records

Will show you how to update multiple records in one operation on the same page.

if the recordset in the working example is empty, you will have to wait untill i have filled it again with records.

4guysfromrolla, changed for use with Macromedia Ultradev.

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Server Side

Common Application of Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions (for those not yet acquainted with them) provide a way of matching patterns of strings that may be simple or extremely complicated and they do it in a very efficient manner. This is a good follow up on a previous link provided by George Petrov, which is called: : An Introduction to Regular Expressions in VBScript.


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Server Side

Creating and Displaying a Poll

In this tutorial we will use an Access database to store the results from a poll, and then on a separate page, list the current results using both text and graphics.

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Server Side

Insert Page and Auto-Number

This tutorial explains how to easily create an Insert Page that saves/returns the auto-number value of the newly created record. It is backwards compatible with all other Server Behaviors (ex: Duplicate Check). Read More
Server Side

Allow viewers to send you Feedback regarding your Site

In this tutorial, we will cover how to allow viewers send you feedback through a simple form and some coldFusion. It will consist of one page. We will not be using screenshots, just some code. We will also try to keep it moving fast, although still not prior ColdFusion knowledge is required. On your mark. Set. Go! Read More
Server Side

Build Master/Detail page in ColdFusion

Build a dynamic Master/Detail Page in ColdFusion. Tutorial assumes no prior knowledge of ColdFusion. Happy programming! UDnewbie.com Read More
Server Side

A tiny .htaccess tutorial

This is mostly a "stick this in your application" tutorial. The file only does two things, and only on Apache servers, and I explained them as simply as I could. But they offer HUGE functionality for web developers, so take the time to read about it. Read More
Server Side

Building a functioning mini website with dynamic contactlist

A beginner tutorial describing from beginning to end how to set up a three page website with a dynamic contact list combined with a detail page, the finished project is included for study.
This tutorial covers: Defining the site, building a page and copying it, setting up a quick Database, creating the connection, using the dynamic data and creating a detail page in full detail, no live objects here.

This tutorial is compatible with Dreamweaver MX, in MX the databindings panel is upgraded to what is now the Application panel.

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