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Server Side

Handling recordsets and multiple selection lists

Filtering records using dynamically generated checkboxes or Multiple selection lists

There is an excellent extension and a good tutorial available for deleting and updating records using checkboxes and multiple slection lists. This is based on tweaking the command-options in Dreamweaver. But when you want to use dynamically generated checkboxes or multiple selection lists to filter records, you are virtually on your own. An integrated solution for Dreamweaver is high on my whishlist, but untill then we have to do some handcoding.

The code below is simplified for clarification. There are some more issues to this. It now uses an OR-operator which is not allways the most elegant way to retrieve data from the DB. In a next article i will cover the use of the IN operator in SQL and Dreamweaver, which does a better job. Trying to use the IN-Operator with Dreamweaver can be a very "interesting experience" since MM forgot about this very handy and common option in SQL as well.

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Server Side

Windows Forms Data Binding

One of the most powerful aspects of .NET and Windows Forms is data binding. Historically, data binding was used to bind views to data stored in databases. Some database management systems, such as Microsoft Access, have provided GUI APIs to help developers quickly bind to data.


This sample is taken from Chapter 6: "Windows Forms Data Binding" of the Blue Vision Title "Developing .NET Custom Controls and Designers using C#"

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Server Side

Advanced Mailer and COM Program Test

This advanced mailer component test will not only show you which components are installed on the host server, but can also test to ensure that the mailer components are configured correctly by attempting to send an email with each mailer component you specify.

Mailer Components Supported:

  • CDONTS/Chili!Mail
  • ASPMail
  • ASPQMail
  • JMail
  • SA-Smtp Mail
  • ASPEmail

There's a further 308 COM objects that you can check on your host server.

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Server Side

Creating Dynamic Web Sites with .Net and Dreamweaver MX

Over the last two years Microsoft has been funneling billions into developing and promoting it's new technology: .Net.

In this article you will learn how to format Macromedia's Dreamweaver MX to work with .Net for your Microsoft Web Servers. By the end of this article you will be able to program a .Net web site.

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Server Side

Setting the Code Page for String Conversions

A codepage is an internal table that the operating system uses to map symbols (letters, numerals, and punctuation characters) to a number. Different codepages provide support for the character sets used in different languages. Read More
Server Side

Batch Deletes Made Simple

This tutorial, adapted from Chapter 15 of The Joy of Dreamweaver MX, explains how to enable batch deletes via check boxes in three simple steps.

The Joy of Dreamweaver MX: Recipes for Data-Driven Web Sites is a web developer's cookbook filled with dozens of "secret" recipes that DMXers can really sink their teeth into.

For more information, visit the book's companion web site, or read a sample chapter - "Uploads Made Simple" - on UDzone.COM.

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Server Side

Using the DataGrid SB

This tutorial creates the ASP.NET/VB version of the Edit Listing Details page from Chapter 16 of The Joy of Dreamweaver MX. It includes coverage of DataGrids, DataSets, web controls, and setting up an ASP.NET site in Dreamweaver MX.

The Joy of Dreamweaver MX: Recipes for Data-Driven Web Sites is a web developer's cookbook filled with dozens of "secret" recipes that DMXers can really sink their teeth into.

Download the code for the tutorial from the book's companion web site, or read a sample chapter - "Uploads Made Simple" - here on DMXzone.

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Server Side

Linux Web server & MsSql server Database

This tutorial may help you to solve some problems if you decide that you need to connect from a Linux box to a MsSql Database server. After that we will see what diferences are if you use ADOdb and Phakt Server Model.

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Server Side

Automatic Log In

What this tutorial does is instead of having multiple login pages for different things, you can just have one universal login page that automatically sends the values of the form to the requesting page that sets the value to a session variable.. Read More
Server Side

Advanced Users Online

Many people have tutorials out there that allow you to count the number of active users online with the use of the global ASA file; however, they do not show you the user's location and "what they are doing".

i.e, going to your users_online.asp page may show the following:

  • user J.Buttafucco is viewing the guestbook (/dev/guestbook.asp)
  • user A.Fischer is deleting a guestbook entry (/dev/guestbook_delete.asp)
  • user T.Harding is beating people up (/dev/beat_peeps_up.asp)
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