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Server Side

Update Multiple Records with SQL Update and Where/In Clause

There may be instances where one wants to update a field value for a large, select group of records. Doing this one record at a time is a killer on productivity. However, using checkboxes and a drop-down list, one can select a large group of records and then define a DMX Command to update the records in one fell swoop. This builds upon an article written by Marcellino Bommezijn concerning the deletion of multiple records and uses the SQL WHERE IN clause that he used in that tutorial.

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Server Side

Inserting and Diplaying the Regional Date Format correctly with Dreamweaver

Many people have trouble converting, inserting, updating and diplaying the correct regional date format when using databases like MS-Access. This tutorial teaches you how to insert and display the correct regional date format correctly with Dreamweaver.

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Server Side

Creating a News Module using PHP and MySQL

In this tutorial we will look at an easy way to implement news into your website using only 3 different PHP scripts.

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Server Side

INSERT, UPDATE & DELETE records in multiple tables.

Using Dreamweaver's standard insert, update, and delete server behaviours you can't modify records in multiple database tables using input from a single form. This article shows how to use the Command behaviour which enables you to do this. This is essential if you need to modify records in separate database tables and maintain relationships between them.


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Server Side

How to update multiple records in a single operation.

How to update multiple records in a single operation.

http://www.drdev.net/article11.asp Read More
Server Side

Setting up an OLE DB connection to a SQL Server database

OLE DB not only offers a performance benefit over ODBC connections (DSN) but also has some increased functionality. This article shows how to set up an OLE DB connection to a SQL Server database.


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Server Side

Retrieve record identity from an autonumber field on record insert.

In order to maintain the relationships between database tables or to return the identity of the record they have just created to the user it is necessary to determine the identity of the newly created record. There are many bad examples of how to do this, mainly involving the use of SQL and SELECT MAX(RecordID) to determine the highest record identity value. This article shows a more reliable way to determine the correct identity of the record created.

http://www.drdev.net/article06.htm Read More
Server Side

Print-Ready Version

A question that I am asked quite often by other developers creating dynamic news/article content is, "How do sites like CNET and others achive the 'Print Version' that gets rid of images, banners, etc." The process is actually very simple, and uses a server behavior that comes standard with Dreamweaver UD/MX. Read More
Server Side

Choose The Right Programming Language

Many webdesigners have discovered that Dreamweaver now gives them the power to develop cool webapplications. In this way you can cross the border between graphical design and web application developers. We have seen a lot more basic starter questions in the Talkzones reflecting the will of many designers to explore these exciting possibilities. Questions like: "I want to build an E Commerce site for a client. Can anyone write a tutorial on how to get started with ASP and MS Access?"

Let's start with the real basic questions first. Like what programming language are you going to use? This is a major decision to make. When i got started developing as a former webdesigner a few years ago, it took me a long time to figure out.

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