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Silverlight 3 and 4 to "open up new areas"

Microsoft will reveal more details on Silverlight 3 at its forthcoming Mix 09 conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. The company has promised deep dives at the March show into controls, rendering, and latest media features, and promised to discuss what's new in its third installment.

The next two releases of Silverlight will take Microsoft's media player in completely new directions, the technical executive in charge has promised.

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No More Betas for Windows 7

On the "Engineering Windows 7" blog, Windows development chief Steven Sinofsky announced that there will be just one beta of Windows 7.

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EU could Force Microsoft to Bundle Firefox with Windows

The European Commision is considering to force Microsoft to bundle Firefox with future versions of Windows. The revelation came as part of Microsoft's quarterly filing with the Security and Exchange Commission. Among the statements is a clause outlining the penalties being considered by the European watchdog, which recently ruled that Microsoft is harming competition by bundling Internet Explorer with Windows.

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Bill Gates about Ajax, Office 12 and more

Gates spoke about the future of the company, the next release of Office, the Internet, and software in general. Read More
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