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Windows 8 Documents Leaked

Although still early in the process, newly leaked documents about Windows 8 offer some keen insight into where Microsoft wants to head with the next version of the operating system. One thing that is made abundantly clear is that Microsoft has been paying attention to Apple. In the documents, which appear to come from an April meeting with computer makers, Microsoft discusses its Cupertino, Calif.-based rival and outlines plans to offer a Windows Store similar to the way Apple distributes software on its iPhone.

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Bing Search for iPhone Deal in Place

On Friday, TechCrunch reported that several sources, in particular those close to Google, said that Microsoft has a deal in place for Bing to be the new default search option on the iPhone. The blog is hesitant to say the deal is confirmed, however. This follows a January report in BusinessWeek that said Apple and Microsoft were at least talking about making this deal.

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Microsoft Ships Silverlight 4 Development Tools

Microsoft made available on Monday Sliverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio 2010, an add-on package for the Visual Studio 2010 IDE providing tooling for the Sliverlight 4 rich Internet plugin-in platform.

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Microsoft Backups Apple on Flash Battle

A Microsoft executive pitched in later the day Steve Jobs sharply criticized Flash, saying while the ubiquity of Flash makes it easy for consumers to access video on the web, the standard has flaws. "Flash does have some issues, particularly around reliability, security and performance," said Dean Hachamovitch, general manager for the Internet Explorer browser.

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Leaked Windows Phone 7 Docs

Additional details on the underlying architecture of Windows Phone 7 have leaked, thanks to a document obtained by the Dutch website tweakers.net. The document is from February 2010 and is marked as Revision 3.0. Beneath the Microsoft Confidential watermark there is a disclaimer: "The Architecture for Windows Phone OS 7.0 describers features that are subject to change, and should therefore be considered preliminary."

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What's New in Microsoft OCS 14

With the next generation of Office Communications Server, due out before the end of this year, Microsoft will look to establish itself as a company that can be trusted with unified communications. One of Microsoft's sticking points with customers will be enterprise voice capabilities.

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Microsoft Modernizes Web Ambitions with IE9

At its Mix conference in Las Vegas on Tuesday, Microsoft gave programmers, Web developers, and the world at large a taste of things to come with its Web browser. Specifically, Microsoft released what it's calling the Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview, a prototype that's designed to show off the company's effort to improve how the browser deals with the Web as it exists today and, just as important, to add support for new Web technologies that are coming right now.

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Free Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Dev Tools Released

Microsoft Monday announced at its MIX 10 conference the immediate release of free versions of its core development tools, all designed to get developers off to a fast start building applications for Windows Phone 7 smartphones. 

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Coding Error Leads to Uneven EU browser Ballot Distribution

The Windows Browser Ballot, the browser selection screen that is being offered to Windows users in Europe starting this month, is already coming under fire. Slovakian IT news site DSL.sk decided to test the ballot and found that its distribution was very peculiar, with Internet Explorer appearing in the rightmost position almost 50 percent of the time when the ballot was viewed from within IE.

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Microsoft Unveils Windows Phone 7 Series

The last three years has seen an explosion in new smartphone operating systems. The one company missing from that list is, of course, Microsoft. Though a long-time player in the smartphone OS market, Windows Mobile is outclassed by its competition. The recent 6.5  release has done little to redress the balance. Windows Mobile is slow, unstable, clunky, and fundamentally not designed for use with fingers. Yesterday at Mobile World Congress, Microsoft showed off its new phone platform for the first time.

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