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Windows 8 Tablet Demo Scheduled For June?

Citing a "source at Microsoft," Silicon Alley Insider is reporting that Microsoft plans on showing off Windows 8 in just a few short months. Insider's Matt Rosoff notes that Microsoft's fiscal year wraps up in June, so it just might make sense to demo the upcoming OS on a tablet to whet investor appetites for the coming year.

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Windows 7 Service Pack 1 is Ready for Download

Microsoft has released its first Service Pack for the Windows 7 operating system addressing minor OS nips and tucks. Bug fixes and security patches don't make for the most exciting Windows update, but they're the high points of Windows 7 Service Pack 1, now widely available for download.

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Nokia And Microsoft: One Week Later

It's been a week since Nokia announced its plans to adopt Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 as its primary smartphone platform. How has the industry reacted? It gave everyone in the industry something to talk about during Mobile World Congress, and gave Nokia's and Microsoft's CEOs the public platform needed to quell doubters and nay-sayers.

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Internet Explorer 9 Release On March 14

Microsoft will release the final version of Internet Explorer 9 at the SXSW conference on March 14. This information tallies nicely with what we already know: Microsoft has said that there will only be one RC, and March 14 very nearly fits the six-week release cycle that Internet Explorer has so far stuck to.

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InPrivate Browsing Made Easy With Internet Explorer 9 Pinned Sites

InPrivate Browsing is Internet Explorer's answer to Chrome's Incognito and Firefox's Private Browsing. In essence, it gives you a very quick way to surf the Internet without leaving traces of activity on your computer.

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Windows Phone 7's Future Revealed: Multitasking, IE9, Twitter

At the Mobile World Congress, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Windows Phone director Joe Belfiore showed what to expect from Windows Phone 7. There is finally a timeframe and the headline features of this big update are multitasking support for third-party applications and a new Web browser based on Internet Explorer 9.

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IE9 Release Candidate Available for Download

The Internet Explorer 9 Release Candidate is now available. For all intents and purposes, this means IE9 is feature complete. Small changes might occur, but it's mostly bug stomping from here on out. Download it, give it a whirl; it might just be the first IE browser that's actually enjoyable to use. All the DMXzone will be showed well because of the improved canvas capabilities.

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Nokia and Microsoft enter strategic alliance on Windows Phone, Bing, Xbox Live and Office

Former Microsoft exec and current Nokia CEO Stephen Elop has married his future and his past in the holy matrimony of a "strategic alliance." Windows Phone is becoming Nokia's "principal smartphone strategy," but there's a lot more to this out the official press release.

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Service Pack 1 Completed For Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008 R2

Microsoft announced that Service Pack 1 for Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 was released to manufacturing. In contrast with many previous service packs, this newest operating system update is a relatively minor affair, offering the usual consolidated set of security and stability updates but little in the way of new functionality.

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Microsoft Management Changes In The Works

Microsoft is said to be on the brink of another shuffle among its senior management. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer plans to make changes to the company's senior management in order to improve the company's competitive edge in Web services, smartphones, and tablet computers, according to a Bloomberg report that cites unnamed sources.

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